Monday, February 20, 2023

truly scared

 I had a terrible scare today

    Jackie says I am over-reacting, so does Julia.  But I am still unnerved by what happened.

    I went in for coffee.  I said "Hello, Mary" (all names have been changed to protect the innocent) to the person who has served me dozens of times.  She said, "I am not Mary.  I am Jane."

    We laughed about it.  I heard a voice from down below saying, "Hello, Terry."

    I stuck my head around the corner and said, "Hi, Sue."

    We talked for a minute or two, then I went back for my coffee.

    Sue came up and we talked about the Exit 99 show and how it went.  I told her I  thought it went great and she said she was sorry she could not attend.

    She jokingly asked if I had forgotten any of my lines, knowing it was an improv show.

    We all laughed about me calling Jane the wrong name, then Sue said the words that caused me to be scared.

    "You remember my name, though.  Don't you?"

    I just stared at her.  She thought I was joking.  I said I honestly did not remember her name.  I named her husband, her kids, but her name was gone.  They gave me hints:  3 letters, starts with S.....and I finally said Sue!

    I was not embarrassed, I was scared.  Less than 5 minutes ago I called her by her name.  Now, I did not know it.

    I have said, "I forgot" a lot lately.  Little things.  Nothing major.

    But this shook me, and 4 hours later I am still struggling with this.  

    I like to think this was just a brain freeze, which we all have from time to time.  

    And despite being told not to worry about it, I do. 

    Maybe I am tired, or was distracted, or something.  

    Hopefully it is not a recurring problem.

Peace and Love

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