Saturday, February 25, 2023

semi crappy

 I am one to complain

    I am also a little obsessive compulsive.

    Dishes get stacked orange-blue.  Papers on counters near cash registers get straightened and aligned with the counter edge.  Doors get checked twice at night.

    Yes, my desk is a mess.  And I can't deal with paper.  But I do fixate on certain things.

    I felt terrible when I went to bed last night.  My knee hurt, I could not breathe, I was tired.

    I took Beth out at 9:30  She snifffed and did her business and we came inside.

    I got Jackie into bed then took a long, hot shower and crawled under the covers.

    Beth is very good about sleeping in her crate at night.  I don't think we trust her enough to let her roam.

    Sound asleep at 4 when she barked.  And whined. And barked.

    I got up, put on my sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and went into the living room for my coat.

    When I put my coat on I was shocked at hold cold the coat felt.  And how cold the room was.  It was almost like a door was open.

    And it was.  The front door was wide open.  The house was at 60 degrees.  

    I took Beth out and she pooped and peed and we came back into the house.

    I did a walk through to make sure there were no animals living in our house that were not supposed to be.  No skunks, raccoons, fox, coyotes or owls.

    How did I not lock the front door?  I am blaming it on the cold I have.

    When I move Jackie from chair to chair I wear a back brace.  When I make the bed I wear a thumb  brace because my thumb hurts.  Today I also put on a knee brace.

    I looked like a walking advertisement for ambulance chasing attorneys.

    I feel a little better tonight, but not great.  Took a home Covid test and it was negative, as I knew it would be.  Knee is still sore, nose is plugged, and I'm tired.

    Thanks for all your well wishes.  They are appreciated.  Sleep would be appreciated too.

Peace and Love

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