Thursday, February 16, 2023

game shows

 Sometimes I think I would be a great game show contestant

    I know most of the answers.  Except for Jeopardy.  I would not be good on that.

    Or that show where you have to compete against a really smart person, who is usually British.

    But a lot of shows I could do well on, I think.

    Sure, contemporary culture topics would be a bust and so would anything involving country music or movies after 1970, which was the last tine I went to a show,  Just kidding, it has not been that long.

    Jackie watches a few different shows and I sometimes watch and think, "I could do better than them."

    I also notice older folks don't do as well as younger people most of the time.  Maybe that is just my perception. 

    We watched an older man trying to solve a crossword puzzle the other night.  It was on contemporary people and movies, and he got none of them right.  I would have had 1 out of the 7.  Modern stuff gets me.

    I like shows where you have to have a little bit of knowledge and some luck, like Wheel or Fortune.  

    Times have changed, especially on game shows.

    Take The Match Game.

    If people won $500  they were absolutely thrilled.  Now a prize that small would not even pay for travel to the show.

    I don't know why I was thinking this today.  Maybe it is all the snow and the wind we are getting, which is is no way linked to game shows.

    And that is my final answer.

Peace and Love


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