Friday, February 10, 2023

A buck or two

We had a couple of vistors today 

    I was in the den reading the paper on line when I saw a form flash past the window.

    Julia was in her bedroom, and looked out her window and yelled, "Look outside!"

    A huge buck then ran past the window where I was standing.

    Julia only saw one deer.  But I thought I saw two.  It could have been the flash I saw was heading toward the back yard, and the buck just went back the way it came.  But I do think there were 2 deer.

    They ran across my yard and through the field north of us, across the street. 

    I know we have deer in the backyard because I find lots of piles of deer pellets as well as hoof prints, both in the snow and the wet yard.

    But it was exciting to see them.  

    I finally checked my lottery tickets and I did have a winning ticket!

    I won $4.

    Now I am only $3,278 behind in winnings vs. tickets purchased.

    Just kidding.  I have not spent that much.

    If anyone has an extra pair of black shoes, size 9.5, they could be mine.

    I always put my good black shoes and good brown shoes on the shelf in my closet.  I went to get them this week and ....... the black ones are gone.

    I have looked everywhere.  Understand, I had 3 pairs of black shoes.  One I only wear in the house, one I wear when I am out running errands and one good pair I wear when I need to look a little nicer, which is not often.

    I  wonder if I had worn them in a play as part of a costume and forgot to bring them home.  I don't know what other explanation there would be.  If I wear them out, I would wear them back into the house.  Then again, I don't know why I would wear them in a play.

    I upped my laps walked at the REC to 9 today.  That is 1.5 miles.

    I did not feel too bad at the end.  No cramps, not really tired, so I guess that is good.  I hope to go one more lap next Friday, eventually hitting 12 laps, or 2 miles.

    And I am trying not to eat a lot of crap.  For example, tonight instead of 3 or 4 cookies I had 1 cookie and an apple.  I know, 1 cookie is even too much.  At least I am not eating a bowl of potato chips, like I often do.

    Such is life.

Peace and Love

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