Wednesday, February 22, 2023

now I remember

I forgot one of the unpleasant dog owner tasks 

    Taking it out in the freezing rain with the wind blowing at 200 miles an hour and my face cold and my coat wet and the damn dog sniffing and not doing what I took it out to do.

    We walked around the house and all she did was sniff.

    Now, I know she was distracted.  Julia said there were several deer in the back yard last night and dog Beth was fascinated with the smell. 

    But it was cold.  And wet.  And windy.

    So, we went in with unfinished business. 

    I took her out later and she did relieve herself, but it was still cold, wet, and windy.

    She has actually done very well.  Not perfect.  Last night we went out about 9:30 and she peed (I think...hard to tell what a black dog is doing in the dark) and pooped.  I know she did that because she scraped the ground with her back legs.

    But when we got in the house, I sat down and she sat down in front of me and peed!  We had just come in!

    I cleaned it up, did not yell at her, but I did tell her she can not do that in the house.

    Aside from that, I spent the day watching the rain/sleet come down and ice forming on the trees.

    It was a miserable day.

    I did go to Emily's to let her dogs out.  That saved her from driving home from work on her supper hour.  They were not excited about going out either.

    Obviously we did not go to church for ashes.  I just did not feel like driving over in this weather.

    That's it for me.

Peace and Love

Not a great picture, but this was the field at Skare and Flowler when I came back from Emily's.  

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