Friday, February 24, 2023

what a crappy day

 I have had better days

    I have a cold.  For those of you who know me, my having a cold is about the same as people suffering from the Black Death in Europe a thousand years ago.

    I whine about everything.  

    And I hurt.  Head to toe.  I did not sleep well because I had a hard time breathing, even though I had a stiff hot toddy at bedtime.  I also put half a pound of Vick's on my nose, but that did not help.

    This morning I took a hot shower and that gave me some relief, so maybe I will do that before bed tonight.

    I tried to sleep in my chair, but the phone rang a couple of times, the dog nudged me a couple of times, Jackie called me once, and I had to get rid of the 6 quarts of tea I already had.

    Finally at 4 I fell asleep for an hour.

    Now, dog Beth has been pretty good in the house.  Yes, there has been a mishap or two, but today was not her day.

    She dropped a load in the basement while she was playing with Julia.  While she was downstairs with Julia while Julia was working, she peed.

    I took her out when I woke up at 5.  I had her on the long leash, which gives her a little more freedom.  We were out for 10 minutes and ... nothing.

    When we went to go in, the leash got tangled around my legs and I went down like the ton of bricks that I am.

    Beth immediately came running over to me to see if I was ok.

    When you are 70 f'in 4 and hit the ground, it is not always good.  I didn't break anything, but my right knee is sore.  The main problem is I can't get up.  I usually look for something to hold onto, but there is nothing in the yard that would help.

    I wondered how long I would lie out there in the dark before someone missed me, or I froze to death.  A true popsicle.

    I also wondered what I landed in, if you know what I mean.

    Eventually I got up...the answer is they will never  come look for me, evidently.

    We get back in the house and not 5 minutes later, Miss Beth pees on Julia's rug.


    I also missed a friend night with Sheri.  I figured it would be best not to contaminate anyone else.  Person Beth, TC and Carrie....I apologize for anything you might get from me.

    Now I am icing my knee because it hurts.

    That's my crappy day.

    Hopefully this is just a cold and will be better tomorrow.


Peace and Love

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