Monday, October 24, 2022


 This was a lost day

    Before last night's show, I did not feel great.

    When I got home, I had a headache.  By the time the lights went out in Georgia, I had a headache and dizziness.  When I woke up this morning I was still a little woozy and headachy.

    So, the plan to go to Rockford or make pies kind of fell by the wayside.

    Instead, I spent two hours sleeping in my chair.  

    I still have a headache, just not as bad as it was  But there is no dizziness. Go figure.

    I have had this before.  Reminds me of the old joke when you go to a doctor and he asks, "Have you ever had this before?"  When you say yes, he says, "Well, you have it again."

    Tonight it is watching the Bears, who are ahead at the half.

    Hopefully I will get to sleep once I go to bed.  The wind may have some negative effect on that.

Peace and Love

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