Wednesday, October 12, 2022

decisions, decisions

 I have trouble making decisions, sometimes

    Other times I make a snap decision.  I bought some shares of Portillo's when they went on sale.  Snap!  Not a lot of shares, mind you.  Lucky thing too.  They are worth about half of what I paid for them.

    Another snap decision.  I had some jelly jars from years ago with cartoon characters on them.  I priced them at $1 each and put them in our section at Pickin' Station.

    Jackie said I was wasting my time.

    Guess what?  Of all the neat stuff I have down there, the glasses sold within 2 days.  Go figure.

    I am now $2.25 ahead after commissions and a sale price for last weekend.  At least it did better than my Portillo's stock.

    I decided to read a while today.  Sat down at about 2 in my chair.  Jackie woke me up about 4.  I hope that decision doesn't haunt me tonight when I go to bed.

    Someone told me it was going to get real windy and it would be a good idea to take down our outdoor umbrella.  Of course, this was about 2 a.m.

    I went out in my pajamas, in the rain, and took the umbrella down.

    That was a good decision, because we had some really strong winds this afternoon and it could have blown over my table.  But did I make the decision?   I am still not sure.

    Another decision looms.......recycling goes out tomorrow.  But it is windy.  I hate to put it out now because I don't want it to blow all over.   Not putting it out now means getting up early and getting it out in the morning.

    Snap.  Taking it out tomorrow morning.  Just need to  set the alarm.

    Next decision;  hot tea or hot toddy.  This may take a while.

Peace and Love    


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