Saturday, October 22, 2022

2 down

 We had a great performance tonight

    It looked like a full house, I know we had sold almost all the tickets prior to the show and there are always walk-ins.

    After the lights go out at the end, the cast goes out to the lobby or into the house to greet people.

    I love doing that, even though I am pretty much a quiet, off by himself kind of guy.

    Tonight I saw a former student, now a nurse; a friend from long ago who used to be a set builder for the group; parents of two former students, old friends, new friends, all sorts of friends and it was a great experience.

    It is one of the rare occasions that I come out of my shell and actually mingle with people.

    I am ok in small groups, maybe 2 or 3 people.  But in a large group, I am just not real comfortable until I get to know the people. 

    It was a beautiful day, so I mowed and gathered hoses.  Hoses, not roses.  Tomorrow I have a couple of small things to do, which means for most of the day I will be doing a 10 minute job.  Hell, it might not even be finished at the end of the day.

    I did make a list of things to do while the weather is nice, and so far I have crossed off as finished 2 tasks.  As I sit here pondering life, I realize there are some tasks I did not write down that I should do. 

    My biggest concern now is the huge pimple forming on the tip of my nose.

    Punishment for using a bad word?

    After effects of make up?


    I'm 74 and don't need the skin of a teenager.

Peace and Love

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