Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 We have lived in this house 10 years

    Seems hard to believe, but we moved in during the fall of 2012.

    Things don't last forever in a house.

    I am guessing we will sooner or later replace the washer/dryer, because the dryer isn't working properly.  We can't dry clothes on the regular cycle, so we have to dry them on the timed cycle.  It just doesn't seem as efficient.

    Yesterday one of those little sink strainer baskets broke.  I know, that is not a big thing.  But today, the other one broke!  In two days, two sink strainers.

    So I went to the local hardware store and bought two new ones.

    After 10 years, I wish I had planted a couple of more trees in the back yard and planted the ones we have sooner.  They are sitll pretty small, and at my age I doubt they will be very big when I pass on.....although I hope that is a while from now.  A long while.  A long, long, long while.

    Our first night of Hell Week actually went pretty well.  We finished by about 9:30, which I think is good.  There are still a couple of light and sound issues to deal with, but I don't think that will be a big problem

    My costume is a two piece thingy with a string pull bottom.  I can't seem to get the strings tight enough and am afraid my bottoms will fall down when I am on stage.  So I am going to try suspenders under my top part.....hopefully that will solve the problem.

    It would be funny if they fell, but that is not the intent.  That would be totally out of character in this show.

    Besides, no one wants to see me in my undies, right Beth?

Peace and Love

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