Friday, October 28, 2022

And then there was one

 One more show to go

    Another big crowd tonight...I think we were near 90.  And the group gave an outstanding performance.

    One person commented they did not think I said my one offensive line over and over and over.  They thought I just uttered it once.  But I do say it again.  And again.  I am even squeezing in a few extras, but not to the point it distracts from my character.

    I have not checked lottery numbers, but I fully expect to win the 700 million prize all by myself.  I know the odds are extremely 300 million to one..... but somebody has to win, so it might as well be me.

    Funny story.

    Last October I went to see Julia in Switzerland.  Prior to going, I called a couple of home health care facilities to see about having someone come in to stay with Jackie.

    Well, one of them called back.  Today.  

    Seriously!  The lady said she had a message to call me.  I said that was months ago. I actually think they did call last September and they were unable to help me.  I should have asked about now, but I did not.  I need to get someone in once or twice a week so I have a little "me" time.

    I went to the mailbox and brought in a package.  I looked at it and it was for some guy in Mendota.  So I planned to  drop it off at the post office on my way to rehearsal.  I made a last minute check and discovered there are two labels.  One on the front for the guy in Mendota and the other on the back for Julia.  

    She was in bed by the tine I got home, so we will have to sort it out tomorrow.

    That's all I have to say about that.

Peace and Love

Do I look crazy to you?

Mum's the word

Julia got this for her house...looks good.  There are 2 of them

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