Monday, October 17, 2022

Hell week

 I don't like the week before opening night

    Rehearsals run loooong.  Tempers grow short.  Frustrations mount.

    I am talking about me, by the way.

    After weeks of having fun, this week pushes the cast to start taking everything seriously.  No adlibbing lines, no making jokes, no snarky comments.  And yes, still talking about me.

    This is the week we work with light cues, and sound cues.  Now, that may not seem like much, but it is a big deal  Rehearsals often stop as a light cue is changed, missed, or adjusted.  

    Same with sound cues.  

    All that adds time to the rehearsal, and interrupts the flow of the rehearsal.  That's where the frustration sets in for me.

    But, it has to be done, right?

    So.....blogs this week will be early because I have no idea when I will get home.

    Julia will do most of the cooking this week, putting stress on her after working all day.  But I have to be there at 6:30 and sometimes supper is not yet done because my timing sucks.  We also rely on leftovers.

    Dishes may be done after dinner or the next morning, so anyone coming by the house can expect to see a messy kitchen.

    We have rehearsals 4 nights, then 3 nights of shows.  At the end of the 7 days people are pretty well gassed, especially the main characters who have put in way more time then I have.

    It's strange, but when you finish you feel a little bit lost when you don't have to go to rehearsals.  Even if you only have one line.

Peace and Love

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