Sunday, October 30, 2022

all done

 Well, another chapter in the book of life

    The play is officially done.  We had the cast party and today we took apart the set.

    I got to the cast party about 11 and left around 1 a.m.  I think it was rather subdued compared to some of the after show activities, but it was a nice time.    The director and assistant got cuckoo clocks  decorated with pictures from the show.  That was a really neat idea and the clocks looked great.

    Of course, we heard Curt's hunting story.  It is more detailed and funnier each time.  I think there is a one man show hiding in there.

    I was pretty quiet most of the night...the hidden introvert in me.  I really did not have anything to add to the stories cast members told about the show.  When you play a catatonic vegetable, there is really not a lot to do but sit and stare.

    Jackie went to the play last night, so Julia was in charge of trick or treaters.  Our new neighbor came over with their 2 little ones and the little girl looked at Julia and said, "Where's Terry?"  Julia said she was so disappointed I was gone she didn't even take candy!

    Julia estimated about 35-40 youngsters stopped.  We are a rural subdivision with not a lot of kids, so that is a lot.  A friend in town reported 501 at their house!  Holy cow, that is a lot.  Jackie said the streets in that neighborhood were packed with kids.

    Set deconstruction went fairly well.  About 12 people were on hand to put stuff away and clean up the facility. 

    I ended up vacuuming the big room.  I started with a vacuum and did a quarter of the room  until it was pointed out to me that the plastic dirt catcher had no dirt in it.  That's because the hose was plugged.

    So I got a second vacuum while Douglas unclogged the hose on the first one.  The plan was for each of us to vac one half of the room.  But plans don't work out like you hope sometimes and his stupid machine stopped working entirely.

    So I did the whole room.  I was fine with that.  I did not have to lift anything or clean any porcelain products.

    And why do I have to check the spelling of vacuum every time I use it?

    We had visitors today.  I will tell you more about them tomorrow.

    We had company for dinner.  Julia made tacos for 8 of us and we celebrated a 10th birthday only a little late.  I love it when Sam, Kevin and Jen come over.  Having them around keeps us young and sane.

    Now it is wait for the rain and see if carrots can be harvested tomorrow.  I really need to get them done this week.

Peace and Love

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