Wednesday, October 5, 2022

oh my godness

 I did something extremely careless today

    We were driving down School Street by the middle school.  We approached Caron Road, a fairly busy street with a lot of trucks

    I saw the stop sign.

    I didn't stop.

    I went right through at about 30 MPH. 

    Jackie yelled as I approached the sign, but I did not slow.  I don't know what happened.

    All I know is what didn't happen.  There was not a single car on Caron Road.  No traffic at all.  

    We were very lucky.

    We had just left a doctor's appointment.  We both got our Moderna boosters.  Usually we have Emily give them to us, but WM does not have Moderna yet.

    I found out the worrisome spot on my back was not a skin cancer, so my mind was not focused on that.  I just don't know what happened.

    The doc did point out that three visits ago I weighed 197.  Two visits ago I was 199.  Today I was 205.

    I love bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cake, ice cream........and maybe I love it all a little too much.  

    Did get to watch the last part of the Cubs rout today.  I hate the end of the season.  I feel another year has gone, which means a lot when you are 74.  I love watching the Cubs, listening to Pat Hughes, hoping for another World Series.......which I predict will be 2024.

    I guess I need to make a change or I might not see the Series in 2024. can be tough.

Peace and Love

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