Sunday, October 2, 2022

huh moments

 Did you ever have a huh moment?

    It's when something you have b een doing a long time turns out not to be correct.  Or you just noticed it.


    Song lyrics.  For years I thought it was "Scuse me while I kiss this guy."  Turns out it is pierce the sky.  And nobody was wrapped up like a douche, but a deuce.  There are several more I have sung wrong for years.

    Juice.  Jackie likes cranberry juice.  I made the mistake once of  buying her a cranberry juice cocktail product.  She did not like that.  "Only get me 100 percent cranberry juice."  

    I was at the store last week and picked up a bottle of cranberry juice.  In huge letters it said "100% juice."  In smaller letters, it said "made from a blend of 4 fruit juices."

    So, was that a cocktail?  No, because there were products clearly marked cocktail.

    I did not buy it, because it was not 100 % cranberry juice.

    When I got home I checked the current jug.  It is a blend of 4 juices.  I checked out the jugs we have in the garage.  (I put bird seed in them because they have little plastic handles and it makes it easier to hold.)  Same thing, a blend of juices.

    I went to the company's website and the labels say the same thing.  There was also a comment section, and a lot of people were complaining.  One person commented something to the effect "quit your clearly states on the label it is a blend of 4 juices.  It never says 100 % cranberry juice."

    I went huh, because I have never noticed that.

    I also wen huh midway through the second quarter of the Bears game, because they just can not move the ball.  So I did something else.

    I dug some carrots for supper and found a ground squirrel hole in the middle of the garden.  I went huh and set a trap.  We'll see, my little varmint.  (It is a live trap...I take the little fellers out into the bleak country side and set them free.)

    I did ride my bike today.  It was a beautiful day, and I spent time on the patio having a coffee and after supper I  rode around the block a couple of times.  It felt good, just like I knew it would.

    I just need to do that more in the next month.  It relaxes me so much.  Huh.

Peace and Love

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