Saturday, October 15, 2022

fly me to .....

 Every time a plane passes over head, I wonder

    I wonder things like, where is it going?  Are there people on board looking down and wondering what we are like?  Will they land safely and on time?

    Julia loaded an app on my phone that tells me about the planes in the air.  I can look on the map. zeoom in on Rochelle, and see who is flying where.

    The other day I had 2 flights right around 4 p.m. bound for Dallas.  One originated in Paris, the other in Madrid.  I thought that was an odd coincidence, but then I realized with the time zones it made pretty good sense.  We used to fly out of Chicago at 7 p.m. and get into Geneva around 11 a.m.  or 12, if I remember right. So I guess coming back they try to make it back while it is still daylight.

    But that's not the point.

    Point is, I always wish I was in the air.  I could be flying to Paris, or LasVegas. Denver or San Diego as some of the flights  have done.

    Not necessarily Louisville, St, Louis, or Detroit, or even LA, nothing against those cities except I don't want to go there. 

    Once in a while a jet passes that is private.....and my mind conjures up images on millionaires sitting in luxury 30,000 feet above the Earth as they travel from one vacation home to another.

    At night Rockford gets  UPS, Prime, and FedEx planes and last week a Korean jet landed, but I think it was also a cargo plane.

    I also can see the skydiving plane from our local airport.  It takes a circular route over Ashton, Chana, Kings, and back to Rochelle, and the flight track on the app makes for an interesting shape.

    It just amazes me how technology has grown and effected our lives the past 15 years.  I wonder what the next 15 years will bring.

Peace and Love


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