Friday, October 21, 2022

One down

 Opening night was pretty darn good

    A full house and a great performance made for an enjoyable evening for all.

    The audience seemed to love it.  They laughed a lot, and got very quiet toward the pretty serious ending.

    Afterwards cast members go out into the house or lobby and talk to people.  One person said to me, "You know that line will follow you to your grave"  

    I suspect they were right.  But what is weird is how used I am to saying it now.  I find myself using it when dealing with weeds, drivers, picking out a product at the store and even when I am just talking to myself.  George Carlin would be proud of me, I think.  But my mother would be the opposite.

    Other news in my life.

    I earlier mentioned some yard waste  that had gone through a bag.  Well, it did it again.  I may need to rethink this one....I think I am on  bag 4.  I just left it laying in the driveway.

    Jackie has always wanted our driveway and sidewalk edged so it looks nice.  I tried to do it once by hand, using a big knife, but that did not work.  I tried my string trimmer, turning it on its side.  That did not work.

    So, I used a gift card and got an edger.

    Boy, it is slick.  I thought it would take me hours to do the driveway, but it was about 40 minutes.  Surprise

    Terry C and I have started a new tradition.  We have our pictures taken under our pictures.  I am not sure how long that tradition will last though, it is becoming harder and harder for me to do a show.

    We have done over 20 shows together in the almost (over?) 30 years we have known each other.  It is always a pleasure to be on stage with him.  

    Four more shows.  If you are planning on coming, buy your tickets on line.  Tonight and Saturday were almost sold out.  Don't delay, order today.

Peace and Love



Bag number 3

We are almost twins!!

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