Sunday, October 23, 2022

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My life is almost back to normal 

    We did a Sunday night show.  I have never been in a Sunday night show.  I have done Sunday matinees, and I don't like them.

    It seems I get up, get dressed, and go to the theater.  But a night show, well it gives me time to do a few things during the day.  Like nap.  And read.  And reattach some weatherstripping to a couple of windows.

    Our show tonight drew about 63 people, which is pretty darn good.  Our previous 2 shows drew about 76 each night and my guess is we will sell out the second weekend.

    It's a good show.  One person told me it was mesmerizing, another said it was a real emotional roller coaster. Last night an audience member marveled that we were not professional actors.

    The funny thing about this show.....Opening night was the first time the entire cast had been on stage at one time.  Usually we are missing one or two people.  For instance, I did not go the first 4 weeks of rehearsals, other cast members had committments on various nights and then there was some people who didn't feel well.

    But it all gelled.  And each night the characters seem to be stronger.

    After initial misgivings, I am darn glad I accepted the role.  It is fun, and it is great to watch this show develop and the characters grow with each and every performance.

    If there are spelling mistakes, I am sorry.  I am also tired.

    At the same time, I know it will be difficult to sleep.

Love and Peace

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