Saturday, October 29, 2022

Just a few hours mnore

 Getting an early start tonight

    The cast party is after the show, so I want to get Jackie home and into bed, then head back to the party.

    I don't party like I used to.

    I remember after one show, the party was held at Edye and Ralph's house.  I left somewhere early in the morning, maybe 1.  But when Ralph came downstairs in the morning in his pajamas, there were still people sitting at the kitchen table.

    And that party was not after a performance, but the following weekend.

    It's kind of bittersweet....a lot of time and effort put into this by folks and next week we all go back to our "normal" lives.  I always feel sad and lost the week after a show.

    I made it to the market at Cypress House today, which is surprising since we sleep late.

    I bought supper and got a coffee.  Surprise.

    One of the people I ran into told another person, "Terry says a very naughty line in the play."

    The response was, "Our Terry?   Oh....."

    It was  a beautiful day for a fall market.  The sun was out, the temperature great, the trees dropping leaves like snowflakes..... a perfect fall day.

    I hear we have a week or so left of this, then the weather will turn a little more fallish.  Maybe by then I can do a little riding or walking, something I have not done for a while.  It clears my head and improves my mindset.  And maybe I can lose a pound or two, but that is difficult with all the temptations around me.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Peace and Love


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