Monday, October 3, 2022

getting the bird

 I must have blinders on lately

    Went for a ride around the block today.  Gosh, it was beautiful outside!  I wish every day could be like this, with a little rain overnight, just like in Camelot.

    Anyway, I had just passed my house and was going to turn around at Skare.  A blue van was behind me.  They slowed.  I pulled over as far as I could.  They stopped.  So I pulled off the road but they didn't move.

    I thought they were waiting for me to go, but I waited for them. They eventually moved on.

    I got back on my bike, headed east on Shagbark, and looked in the field next to my house.

    There was the biggest bird I have ever seen in the field!  Long lets, long beak...I do believe it was a crane.  Maybe it was a heron, but it just seemed so large.

    Turns out it has been hanging around the neighborhood for a few days and I have just not seen it.

    Instead of the car waiting for me, they were watching the bird.

    When I finally got my phone out, it took off.

    We have a big hawk that hangs around.  When we had a caregiver coming in for Jackie, the two of them saw the hawk land on our back patio  railing.  By the time I got out of the bathroom, it was gone.

    Last week Julia looked out and saw a big bird on the railing.  It was the hawk again.  By the time she got my camera, it had taken off.  I was still asleep.

    I have only seen him in the oak tree at the back of our yard and on our roof.

    I caught a ground squirrel today.  He was a cute little fella.  Or girl.  I don't know how to tell the difference on a ground squirrel.

    I took it out to the park and set it free.

    Then I got to thinking.  Sure, they dig holes in my yard in several places.  Sure they run across the porch when Julia is out reading.  Sure, they are one of the reasons the hawk keeps coming back.  So why should I worry about them? Maybe I should just let them live in peace.  As long as they don't come in the house, I guess that is fine.

    They make a Roomba type lawn mower.  It cuts the grass continually, docking itself when it needs a recharge.

    I thought that would be neat.  

    But I am not sure that would be good if little Chip, or Dale, pops up out of their hole and gets decapitated.  

    "Dear, what's the weather like?'

    "I'll just pop my head out and.....aaarcgh!"

    I know, it's not funny.

Peace and Love

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