Thursday, October 6, 2022

lost and found

I lost my phone yesterday

    In typical Dickow fashion, I did not know that until about 9:30 or so.

    My phone works through my hearing aids.  If someone calls, or texts, I can hear it through my hearing aids.

    Last night I had Jackie call my cell.  Nothing sounded in my hearing aids.  That meant they were out of reach with the phone.

    I went to the garage.  Looked under the seat, told Jackie to call me again, and again, no sound.

    I had the phone on mute.  We had been to the doctor Wednesday and I did not want the phone ringing in the middle of an appointment.  But it still sounds in my ears, even when on mute.

    I figured I left it in the office.  I called this morning and no, it was not there.

    I then remembered using it in the parking lot.  So maybe it fell out at my next stop.

    Meanwhile, Emily sent me a link to find the phone.  Julia worked through the link and it showed the phone was in the house.  So she sent a ping.  But Jackie's phone pinged.  

    Which seemed to be weird, so she sent another ping.

    I heard it.  In the closet.  My phone was in Jackie's purse.

    When I told them I found it in Jackie's purse, wifey said, "Oh yeah!  Remember, I told you I was putting it in my purse so you didn't lose it in the car.  I forgot."

    And I forgot.

    But I did spend almost half an hour looking through clothes, in the car, making calls, and wondering where it was.

    That's my life.  I can't remember where I put things, I don't put things away, I waste a lot of time looking for stuff.  To be honest, it is frustrating and depressing to me that I can't organize my life better.

    I have been that way my entire life.  And don't mention dealing with paper....that is a whole different story.

    Julia made chili today.  She asked me when I bought chili powder.  I said I can't remember.  She pointed out the chili powder was best used by 2010 and the HBP Coriciden in the closet expired in 2015. 

    Hell, the chili powder would be in jmiddle school!

    Tomorrow's another day.

Peace and Love 

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