Friday, October 7, 2022

oh gosh

 This was a  trying day

    My caretaker job put a lot of stress on me today.  So when Kevin, Jen and Sam came over for Friday night pizza, I enjoyed the company and the wine I drank.

    Problem is, now I am really, really thirsty!  I can't seem to get enough water into my body.  

    I picked my garden beans...enough for two meals for Jackie and me.  I still have the carrots to go, but I don't worry about them freezing since they are underground.

    After watering my newly seeded areas of grass in the back, I disconnected my hoses because it is supposed to be cold tonight.  I should have reminded Emily, but it is now after 10 and it is too late to do  that.

    For a while I was looking for a book to read called "Tales of the Lincoln Highway."

    I could not find it.  Then former student and FB friend Kim mentioned a book by Amor Towles called "The Lincoln Highway."

    That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks.  There is no Tales of the Lincoln Highway!  What I must have read was Towles The Lincon Highway.  I misread Towles as Tales and threw in the of for good luck.

    I have the book.  I am reading it.  I like it.  Towles also did A Gentleman in Moscow, which I thought was an absolutely amazing story.  Sadly, I keep telling people to read Gentleman in a Moscow Hotel, because I keep forgetting the correct title.

    Makes me wonder how much I understand of what I read.

    Damn eyes.....keep on tricking me!

Peace and Love

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