Sunday, October 9, 2022

I didn't know

I learned something today 

    The museum had a program on Native Americans in the media today.  

    No surprise, they are usually presented as savages out to do us harm.  Think of every John Wayne western you have seen.

   The gentleman presenting the program was of the Arapaho tribe.  He lives in Illinois and does these programs through a state program.

    Anyway, he said the term Indians comes from the words In Dios, which means innocents, child like in the presence of God.  But it also means people who are not smart, they are substandard, not equal to explorers like Columbus.

    So old Chris named them In Dios, which eventually became Indians.  And the origins of the term is why Native Americans resent it.

    I am not a big Cristopher Columbus fan.  He seems to be a bit underehanded, even nasty, to the peoples he encountered when he arrived in the Americas.

    Oh well....guess the Native Americans did not have a good immigration policy.

    I did one and 2/3 projects today.  

    My electronic outside garage door lock stopped working.   Turns out the battery was dead.  I replaced the battery, and the lock works.  I also replaced the battery on the garage door leading into the house.

    Also took out the burned out bulb on the motion detection light.  Now I have to get a replacement that is not that harsh bluish white light.

    And I played with my new toy.  I can't say more than that because I want to see if anyone in the house besides me notices what I did.  It's a start, but was remarkably easier than I thought.

    Enjoy the day tomorrow....should be nice.

Peace and Love.

    And more garden pictures!

I love this tree!!!  The yard decorations were pretty cool too.

Asters and sunflowers still blooming.

Rattlesnake master seed heads

Asters have a beautiful color

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