Monday, October 31, 2022

stranger in the house

 We have a guest for a little while

    This is Ranger.

    He is a 3 year old terrier mix mutt.

    Ranger was in a kill shelter in Oklahoma.  He had been diagnosed with heartworm and was going to be put down.

    A rescue group saved him and he is currently being treated for the heartworm.

    He was being fostered in a home with cats, and does not get along with them.  We met Ranger and another dog with the possibility of adopting, but for now we are just fostering Ranger.

    He seems to be a well behaved young man, except for when he peed on my leg while we were doing a yard walk this morning!  

    He has warmed up to me.  Maybe that is too weak a term.  He follows me everywhere.  He licks my face when I put his leash on to walk him and he licks it even more when I bring him in the house.  I have not had to wash my face for two days.

    He has also taken ownership of my recliner and sits in it and watches me when I read the morning paper on line.

    Jackie....not so much.

    He is a about 26 pounds, which is a little heavy for Jackie to have on her lap.  It's only been one day, but he has shown little interest in interacting with her.  I think part of that is her inability to be physically active with him.

    He is fine with Julia, following her downstairs when she is working.  Again, she can move around and interact with the dog while Jackie is limited.

    We do have him in a diaper.  He is house trained, but we figure for the first few days we need to keep him diapered up until he gets used to us.

    He came Sunday, and as of 8 p.m. tonight has not pooped.  That concerns me.  I know he is still getting used to us, but if nothing passes tomorrow I will call someone.

    The first time I took him out for a walk, he bolted through the door...damn quick dog!  Now we are extra careful in opening the door, making sure he has a leash on and holding on to the leash firmly.

    But he seems to learn quickly.  

    We circle the house, going all the way out to the back, and when we come to the front he goes right to the front door, just like he has been doing it all his life.

    Although we are fostering, we do have the option of adopting.  

    I just hope he warms up to Jackie during the next 2 months.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 30, 2022

all done

 Well, another chapter in the book of life

    The play is officially done.  We had the cast party and today we took apart the set.

    I got to the cast party about 11 and left around 1 a.m.  I think it was rather subdued compared to some of the after show activities, but it was a nice time.    The director and assistant got cuckoo clocks  decorated with pictures from the show.  That was a really neat idea and the clocks looked great.

    Of course, we heard Curt's hunting story.  It is more detailed and funnier each time.  I think there is a one man show hiding in there.

    I was pretty quiet most of the night...the hidden introvert in me.  I really did not have anything to add to the stories cast members told about the show.  When you play a catatonic vegetable, there is really not a lot to do but sit and stare.

    Jackie went to the play last night, so Julia was in charge of trick or treaters.  Our new neighbor came over with their 2 little ones and the little girl looked at Julia and said, "Where's Terry?"  Julia said she was so disappointed I was gone she didn't even take candy!

    Julia estimated about 35-40 youngsters stopped.  We are a rural subdivision with not a lot of kids, so that is a lot.  A friend in town reported 501 at their house!  Holy cow, that is a lot.  Jackie said the streets in that neighborhood were packed with kids.

    Set deconstruction went fairly well.  About 12 people were on hand to put stuff away and clean up the facility. 

    I ended up vacuuming the big room.  I started with a vacuum and did a quarter of the room  until it was pointed out to me that the plastic dirt catcher had no dirt in it.  That's because the hose was plugged.

    So I got a second vacuum while Douglas unclogged the hose on the first one.  The plan was for each of us to vac one half of the room.  But plans don't work out like you hope sometimes and his stupid machine stopped working entirely.

    So I did the whole room.  I was fine with that.  I did not have to lift anything or clean any porcelain products.

    And why do I have to check the spelling of vacuum every time I use it?

    We had visitors today.  I will tell you more about them tomorrow.

    We had company for dinner.  Julia made tacos for 8 of us and we celebrated a 10th birthday only a little late.  I love it when Sam, Kevin and Jen come over.  Having them around keeps us young and sane.

    Now it is wait for the rain and see if carrots can be harvested tomorrow.  I really need to get them done this week.

Peace and Love

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Just a few hours mnore

 Getting an early start tonight

    The cast party is after the show, so I want to get Jackie home and into bed, then head back to the party.

    I don't party like I used to.

    I remember after one show, the party was held at Edye and Ralph's house.  I left somewhere early in the morning, maybe 1.  But when Ralph came downstairs in the morning in his pajamas, there were still people sitting at the kitchen table.

    And that party was not after a performance, but the following weekend.

    It's kind of bittersweet....a lot of time and effort put into this by folks and next week we all go back to our "normal" lives.  I always feel sad and lost the week after a show.

    I made it to the market at Cypress House today, which is surprising since we sleep late.

    I bought supper and got a coffee.  Surprise.

    One of the people I ran into told another person, "Terry says a very naughty line in the play."

    The response was, "Our Terry?   Oh....."

    It was  a beautiful day for a fall market.  The sun was out, the temperature great, the trees dropping leaves like snowflakes..... a perfect fall day.

    I hear we have a week or so left of this, then the weather will turn a little more fallish.  Maybe by then I can do a little riding or walking, something I have not done for a while.  It clears my head and improves my mindset.  And maybe I can lose a pound or two, but that is difficult with all the temptations around me.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Peace and Love


Friday, October 28, 2022

And then there was one

 One more show to go

    Another big crowd tonight...I think we were near 90.  And the group gave an outstanding performance.

    One person commented they did not think I said my one offensive line over and over and over.  They thought I just uttered it once.  But I do say it again.  And again.  I am even squeezing in a few extras, but not to the point it distracts from my character.

    I have not checked lottery numbers, but I fully expect to win the 700 million prize all by myself.  I know the odds are extremely 300 million to one..... but somebody has to win, so it might as well be me.

    Funny story.

    Last October I went to see Julia in Switzerland.  Prior to going, I called a couple of home health care facilities to see about having someone come in to stay with Jackie.

    Well, one of them called back.  Today.  

    Seriously!  The lady said she had a message to call me.  I said that was months ago. I actually think they did call last September and they were unable to help me.  I should have asked about now, but I did not.  I need to get someone in once or twice a week so I have a little "me" time.

    I went to the mailbox and brought in a package.  I looked at it and it was for some guy in Mendota.  So I planned to  drop it off at the post office on my way to rehearsal.  I made a last minute check and discovered there are two labels.  One on the front for the guy in Mendota and the other on the back for Julia.  

    She was in bed by the tine I got home, so we will have to sort it out tomorrow.

    That's all I have to say about that.

Peace and Love

Do I look crazy to you?

Mum's the word

Julia got this for her house...looks good.  There are 2 of them

Thursday, October 27, 2022

2 to go

 Tonight is a pick-up rehearsal for our final two shows

    I did not want to be in this show.  I told the director, Will, no.  He asked me a couple of times and I talked it over with Jackie.  I agreed to be in the show if I didn't have to go to a lot of rehearsals.

    I am glad I am in this show.

    Everyone is doing an amazing job and the audiences love it.  I think our last two shows will be sell outs, or near sell outs, which is amazing.  I don't recall ever being in a show with multiple sell outs.

    Granted, we have about 72 chairs at tables plus some chairs in the back without tables.  It is a small house.

    But still......

    In some ways I am a little jealous too.  When we did Tuna in August, we never hit 60 for one show.  TC and I, Renee , Wendy and all worked our  butts off and gave  good performances, but the crowds didn't come.  I think it was the last two weekends before school started and people were busy with last chance vacations.  Plus it was a 2 person show, so we did not have large family audiences to draw.  If each of us brought 10 people, that would have been 20.  Cuckoo's Nest has 20 people in the cast, and that does make a difference.

    Plus, Cuckoo's Nest was a movie and people remember that.

    I am rationalizing, but large crowds are what we actors crave.

    Still have not found the phone book.  But the upside is I cleaned the den.  I tossed papers and crap I had no use for anymore.  Jackie rolled into it and looked around in disbelief.

    It will turn up someday.  I may have put it with something else, and was not aware I did it.  Time will pass, but it will be found.

    That's it. 

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

damn it

 Sometimes I just get irritated

    No, I am not mad about not winning the lottery tonight.  And yes, I realize they have not done the drawing yet, but I am a realist.

    No, I am not mad about the furnace cleaning this morning, even though I had to get up at 7:30.  I have not been up that early in months.

    No, I am not mad about the weather, which is actually pretty darn nice for October.

    What am I mad about?

    Let me tell you.

    About 6 months ago I bought some lidded glass storage containers.  The set came with a variety of sizes and shapes and they are good for storing leftovers.  They are dishwasher safe and can go from cold to hot without any problem.

    I love them.  They are easy to open, you can see what is inside....almost perfect.

    Yesterday I noticed achip out of one of the round ones.  

    Now, I am not a person who tosses stuff out willy-nilly.  But this is glass and someone could cut themselves on the sharp edge.  Also, how do I know the glass won't chip further?  

    It was right on the lip, so my fear was putting the lids on or off could cause more damage.  So I tossed it.

    Tonight, I noticed a chip on a large rectangular storage dish.  The same thoughts ran through my mind and again, I tossed it.

    Was I acting irrationally?  Would they have been safe to use in the microwave and in the dishwasher?  

    Another thing I am mad about.

    Jackie lost the back to one of her earrings while she was cleaning them.  She keeps the sink drain closed, so they can't go down the drain.  

    I looked everywhere for that back and could not find it.  It is not stuck in the rug, or on the floor, or in a drawer, or her walker, or anyplace.  I ran my hand over the floor, shined a flashlight over the floor, swept the back.

    It just seems to have disappeared.

    Maybe it is with the damn calendar I can not find, but both loses just fry my cupcakes.

    Which, by the way, is an expression I just made up.

    Maybe we have a ghost.  

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Pie Day

Today we made apple pies 

    Each year we buy apples and make a couple of pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Sometimes we do 3, but today we only did 2.  So far.

    When we were done, I had to wheel Jackie into the shower to get her clean.  Let's say she had a LOT of pie dough and sugar on her shirt.  And pants.  So did I.

    It was also on the floor, counters, table.....we are not neat cooks.

    A few months ago she bought some new measuring cups.  They came with a 1/4 cup measurer.

    For some reason, unknown to anyone but my inner Ruckley, I thought it was a half cup.

    So, when she said add 1/2 cup of brown sugar, I added a quarter cup.  The pies may not be as sweet as they should be.  We'll see.

    When I made supper I vowed not to make the same mistake.  So when the recipe called for 1 cup water, I used the 2 cup container and filled it to the brim.  Luckily, I caught that before mixing the boxed side dish.

    And heavens, the megamillions is up to 700 million.  I had to buy a ticket for the Tuesday night drawing.

    So I got Jackie comfortable, drove into town, bought my ticket and realized that drawing is tomorrow night.  

    All that made supper a little late, but it tasted great!   I made Iowa chops from Headon's.  These are porkchops that are at least 1 inch thick.  I brown them on the stove, then stick them in the oven for 20 minutes.  I do check the pork's temperature.  They are always so tasty and tender.  Plus, we don't eat a whole chop, so we have leftovers for Thursday.

    So here I am.  Floor washed, counters clean, table wiped down, dirty clothes in the washer........and I am a bit tired.  Julia and I still have to move some furniture because tomorrow we are having our area rugs cleaned.

    And the furnace guy is coming at 8:30.

    And the generator guy is coming tomorrow at 6.

    At least I won't have to run into town for a lottery ticket.  And I don't have rehearsal.

    I just hope I can remember my line for this weekend.

Peace and Love

Monday, October 24, 2022


 This was a lost day

    Before last night's show, I did not feel great.

    When I got home, I had a headache.  By the time the lights went out in Georgia, I had a headache and dizziness.  When I woke up this morning I was still a little woozy and headachy.

    So, the plan to go to Rockford or make pies kind of fell by the wayside.

    Instead, I spent two hours sleeping in my chair.  

    I still have a headache, just not as bad as it was  But there is no dizziness. Go figure.

    I have had this before.  Reminds me of the old joke when you go to a doctor and he asks, "Have you ever had this before?"  When you say yes, he says, "Well, you have it again."

    Tonight it is watching the Bears, who are ahead at the half.

    Hopefully I will get to sleep once I go to bed.  The wind may have some negative effect on that.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 23, 2022

3 down

My life is almost back to normal 

    We did a Sunday night show.  I have never been in a Sunday night show.  I have done Sunday matinees, and I don't like them.

    It seems I get up, get dressed, and go to the theater.  But a night show, well it gives me time to do a few things during the day.  Like nap.  And read.  And reattach some weatherstripping to a couple of windows.

    Our show tonight drew about 63 people, which is pretty darn good.  Our previous 2 shows drew about 76 each night and my guess is we will sell out the second weekend.

    It's a good show.  One person told me it was mesmerizing, another said it was a real emotional roller coaster. Last night an audience member marveled that we were not professional actors.

    The funny thing about this show.....Opening night was the first time the entire cast had been on stage at one time.  Usually we are missing one or two people.  For instance, I did not go the first 4 weeks of rehearsals, other cast members had committments on various nights and then there was some people who didn't feel well.

    But it all gelled.  And each night the characters seem to be stronger.

    After initial misgivings, I am darn glad I accepted the role.  It is fun, and it is great to watch this show develop and the characters grow with each and every performance.

    If there are spelling mistakes, I am sorry.  I am also tired.

    At the same time, I know it will be difficult to sleep.

Love and Peace

Saturday, October 22, 2022

2 down

 We had a great performance tonight

    It looked like a full house, I know we had sold almost all the tickets prior to the show and there are always walk-ins.

    After the lights go out at the end, the cast goes out to the lobby or into the house to greet people.

    I love doing that, even though I am pretty much a quiet, off by himself kind of guy.

    Tonight I saw a former student, now a nurse; a friend from long ago who used to be a set builder for the group; parents of two former students, old friends, new friends, all sorts of friends and it was a great experience.

    It is one of the rare occasions that I come out of my shell and actually mingle with people.

    I am ok in small groups, maybe 2 or 3 people.  But in a large group, I am just not real comfortable until I get to know the people. 

    It was a beautiful day, so I mowed and gathered hoses.  Hoses, not roses.  Tomorrow I have a couple of small things to do, which means for most of the day I will be doing a 10 minute job.  Hell, it might not even be finished at the end of the day.

    I did make a list of things to do while the weather is nice, and so far I have crossed off as finished 2 tasks.  As I sit here pondering life, I realize there are some tasks I did not write down that I should do. 

    My biggest concern now is the huge pimple forming on the tip of my nose.

    Punishment for using a bad word?

    After effects of make up?


    I'm 74 and don't need the skin of a teenager.

Peace and Love

Friday, October 21, 2022

One down

 Opening night was pretty darn good

    A full house and a great performance made for an enjoyable evening for all.

    The audience seemed to love it.  They laughed a lot, and got very quiet toward the pretty serious ending.

    Afterwards cast members go out into the house or lobby and talk to people.  One person said to me, "You know that line will follow you to your grave"  

    I suspect they were right.  But what is weird is how used I am to saying it now.  I find myself using it when dealing with weeds, drivers, picking out a product at the store and even when I am just talking to myself.  George Carlin would be proud of me, I think.  But my mother would be the opposite.

    Other news in my life.

    I earlier mentioned some yard waste  that had gone through a bag.  Well, it did it again.  I may need to rethink this one....I think I am on  bag 4.  I just left it laying in the driveway.

    Jackie has always wanted our driveway and sidewalk edged so it looks nice.  I tried to do it once by hand, using a big knife, but that did not work.  I tried my string trimmer, turning it on its side.  That did not work.

    So, I used a gift card and got an edger.

    Boy, it is slick.  I thought it would take me hours to do the driveway, but it was about 40 minutes.  Surprise

    Terry C and I have started a new tradition.  We have our pictures taken under our pictures.  I am not sure how long that tradition will last though, it is becoming harder and harder for me to do a show.

    We have done over 20 shows together in the almost (over?) 30 years we have known each other.  It is always a pleasure to be on stage with him.  

    Four more shows.  If you are planning on coming, buy your tickets on line.  Tonight and Saturday were almost sold out.  Don't delay, order today.

Peace and Love



Bag number 3

We are almost twins!!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

No ouch

 I have been shot.  Twice.

    Flu in my right arm, pneumonia in my left.

    My friendly pharmicist daughter was very gentle with me.  It really did not hurt.  I did not yell, or faint, or even flinch a lot.  Jackie was also shot.

    But my arms and hands hurt.  It is not because of the shot, but because of the play I am in.  I am supposed to be standing along the wall with my arms nailed to the wall.

    But we don't have a wall space available, so I sit on a bench.  I try to hold my arms up but they get so damn sore after about 10 minutes.  Now they hurt.  Maybe I should have been practicing this for the past five weeks....but I did not think it would be that hard to do.


    My arm muscles are telling me I need to find a different angle.

    We'll see tonight.

    I am not the center of attention, so I may cheat a little at times.  I don't think anyone will notice except me.

    I have a ton of stuff to get done this weekend.  Luckily it is going to be nice.  Unluckily I can't get too tired because I may fall asleep during the play.  That would be unfortunate.

    Tomorrow I am going down to the Pickin' Station to rotate some stuff in and out of our booth.  I was hoping more of our items would sell, but it is slow going.  Maybe it will pick up in October.  Hey, wait this is Octtober!!!

    Oh geez....lost another month.

    Oh well.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Not again

 We still have a paper phone book

    For those of you under the age of 40, phone books were pretty important items when we had phones hanging on walls in our kitchen.

    By the way, I never misplaced one of those phones.  

    Phone books listed  telephone numbers and addresses for people and businesses in your community.  All you had to do was know the person's last name, and their first name, and you could look it up and find a number to call.

    Granted, because of the system if you were a married woman, people might have to know your husband's name.

    Digression.  When I was a new reporter in town, I went to a women's club meeting to take pictures for a fund raiser.  I don't remember what they were doing, but I took the picture.

    Then I asked for their names to put in the id line under the picture.  All was well until I got to a woman named Ann.  She would not tell me her husband's name, because he was not in the picture, she was.

    I told her the newspaper policy was to use the husband's name because her name was not in the phone book....his was.  If somebody wanted to support the fund raiser they needed a name to call because the paper's policy was not to use phone numbers.

    The discussion went on for a while and she finally relented and gave me the name, but she was not happy about it,

    Years later we still laugh about it.  And when I became editor for a brief while, the policy was changed to include the woman's name and phone number.  But honestly, I can say my ability to read numbers probably resulted in lots of wrong numbers and irritated people.

    Back to the main point.  We have a phone book.

    On the inside cover I have a list of most commonly called numbers:  library, museum hair dresser, barber, plumber, electrician, restaurants.  That way I don't have to keep looking them up.

    But now, I can't find the damn phone book.

    I checked my desk, recycling, the counter, the nook table, the ledge.....nowhere to be found.

    It's just another damned irritation I have in life..... not finding things I did not put away.

    Oh well.....some songs play on endlessly.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 We have lived in this house 10 years

    Seems hard to believe, but we moved in during the fall of 2012.

    Things don't last forever in a house.

    I am guessing we will sooner or later replace the washer/dryer, because the dryer isn't working properly.  We can't dry clothes on the regular cycle, so we have to dry them on the timed cycle.  It just doesn't seem as efficient.

    Yesterday one of those little sink strainer baskets broke.  I know, that is not a big thing.  But today, the other one broke!  In two days, two sink strainers.

    So I went to the local hardware store and bought two new ones.

    After 10 years, I wish I had planted a couple of more trees in the back yard and planted the ones we have sooner.  They are sitll pretty small, and at my age I doubt they will be very big when I pass on.....although I hope that is a while from now.  A long while.  A long, long, long while.

    Our first night of Hell Week actually went pretty well.  We finished by about 9:30, which I think is good.  There are still a couple of light and sound issues to deal with, but I don't think that will be a big problem

    My costume is a two piece thingy with a string pull bottom.  I can't seem to get the strings tight enough and am afraid my bottoms will fall down when I am on stage.  So I am going to try suspenders under my top part.....hopefully that will solve the problem.

    It would be funny if they fell, but that is not the intent.  That would be totally out of character in this show.

    Besides, no one wants to see me in my undies, right Beth?

Peace and Love

Monday, October 17, 2022

Hell week

 I don't like the week before opening night

    Rehearsals run loooong.  Tempers grow short.  Frustrations mount.

    I am talking about me, by the way.

    After weeks of having fun, this week pushes the cast to start taking everything seriously.  No adlibbing lines, no making jokes, no snarky comments.  And yes, still talking about me.

    This is the week we work with light cues, and sound cues.  Now, that may not seem like much, but it is a big deal  Rehearsals often stop as a light cue is changed, missed, or adjusted.  

    Same with sound cues.  

    All that adds time to the rehearsal, and interrupts the flow of the rehearsal.  That's where the frustration sets in for me.

    But, it has to be done, right?

    So.....blogs this week will be early because I have no idea when I will get home.

    Julia will do most of the cooking this week, putting stress on her after working all day.  But I have to be there at 6:30 and sometimes supper is not yet done because my timing sucks.  We also rely on leftovers.

    Dishes may be done after dinner or the next morning, so anyone coming by the house can expect to see a messy kitchen.

    We have rehearsals 4 nights, then 3 nights of shows.  At the end of the 7 days people are pretty well gassed, especially the main characters who have put in way more time then I have.

    It's strange, but when you finish you feel a little bit lost when you don't have to go to rehearsals.  Even if you only have one line.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 16, 2022

snow flurries?????

 I think fall has slipped past me

    Trees are changing colors and losing leaves, festivals have come and gone, Morton Arboretum is still on the list of places to go.  But the possibility of snow flurries tomorrow makes me aware of how far fall has gone.

    Today Jackie and I went for a drive.  No particular destination, just around. by no a lot of words.

Peace and Love

John Deere site in Grand Detour

This is what Blackhawk sees

This is not photo shopped or enhanced.  These are the sugar maples in front of our old house.  The color this year is amazing.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

fly me to .....

 Every time a plane passes over head, I wonder

    I wonder things like, where is it going?  Are there people on board looking down and wondering what we are like?  Will they land safely and on time?

    Julia loaded an app on my phone that tells me about the planes in the air.  I can look on the map. zeoom in on Rochelle, and see who is flying where.

    The other day I had 2 flights right around 4 p.m. bound for Dallas.  One originated in Paris, the other in Madrid.  I thought that was an odd coincidence, but then I realized with the time zones it made pretty good sense.  We used to fly out of Chicago at 7 p.m. and get into Geneva around 11 a.m.  or 12, if I remember right. So I guess coming back they try to make it back while it is still daylight.

    But that's not the point.

    Point is, I always wish I was in the air.  I could be flying to Paris, or LasVegas. Denver or San Diego as some of the flights  have done.

    Not necessarily Louisville, St, Louis, or Detroit, or even LA, nothing against those cities except I don't want to go there. 

    Once in a while a jet passes that is private.....and my mind conjures up images on millionaires sitting in luxury 30,000 feet above the Earth as they travel from one vacation home to another.

    At night Rockford gets  UPS, Prime, and FedEx planes and last week a Korean jet landed, but I think it was also a cargo plane.

    I also can see the skydiving plane from our local airport.  It takes a circular route over Ashton, Chana, Kings, and back to Rochelle, and the flight track on the app makes for an interesting shape.

    It just amazes me how technology has grown and effected our lives the past 15 years.  I wonder what the next 15 years will bring.

Peace and Love


Friday, October 14, 2022

lucky me

 I am winning the lottery tonight

    Hell, I have won several prizes this week, so a lottery winning is in the cards.

    So far this week I have won;  3 Samsung TVs, a Dewalt Power Station, a $500 Delta gift card and a $90 icemaker!

    All without entering a single contest or shopping at the stores giving out the prizes!

    All I have to do to claim the prize is to give them a little information.

    And several companies have asked if my package was delivered, even though we never ordered from them.

    And I had 3 phone calls  today about a $ 995 order on my account.  If I did not order, I have to press 2 to cancel.

    I get so tired of these low lifes.  

    I read a Christoper Moore novel about a guy who tracked down the telemarketers an kidnapped one of them.  It was a funny story, actually.  Can't remember the title.

    We do not answer a call unless we recognize the number.  Our landline gets the majority of these calls.  I wish I could remember how to adjust the number of rings before it goes to voice mail because it currently rings 5 times before you can leave a message.  I would set it to three, or even two.  If I remembered.

    Maybe I will Google it and see if I can learn something new.

    Doing this a little earlier tonight because we have a rehearsal, and on the way home I have to let out the dogs.  Makes for a short night to get home at 10, get Jackie to bed, do my blog and decompress.  

    Show opens next week....should know my line by then.

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 13, 2022

tiring day

For some reason, this was a tiring day 

    I have come to realize I don't sleep.  I nap.  

    I take a medication that gives me dry mouth.  I use a mouth rinse that helps, but about 2:30 or 3 in the morning my mouth is dry and I have to rinse.  Of course, I make it a multi purpose visit, but the main reason is to rinse,.

    So....last night.

    Went to bed about 11:30.

    Up at 2:30 to rinse.

    Up at 7 to take out recycling.

    Up at 7:40 for a Jackie bathroom break.

    Up at 10 to start the day.

    Less than 5 hours was the longest sleep streak.

    And I had itchy feet last night!  First thime  that has happened in a couple of weeks.  I was wearing my socks for diabetics, but the old feet were itching badly.  And I really don't like the socks.  I have ordered from two places and just don't like them.  Call me crazy, but they are just to darn thin.

    While I was at rehearsal tonight, Julia brought in the mums from outside.  It is supposed to get below 32 tonight, and I was afraid they could not handle the cold.

    Speaking of rehearsal, I forgot to say my line in one spot tonight.  That has happened twice at that spot.  I need to focus.

    By the way, I did take recycling out at 7 a.m..  I was afraid to take it out last night because it was windy.

    They came about 11.........they usually are a lot earlier.

    If I had waited until 8:30, they would have been here at 7.

    I know they have a hidden camera that is focused on my house.  When I don't take it out the night before, they come super early.  Damn cameras.

    Peace and Love

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

decisions, decisions

 I have trouble making decisions, sometimes

    Other times I make a snap decision.  I bought some shares of Portillo's when they went on sale.  Snap!  Not a lot of shares, mind you.  Lucky thing too.  They are worth about half of what I paid for them.

    Another snap decision.  I had some jelly jars from years ago with cartoon characters on them.  I priced them at $1 each and put them in our section at Pickin' Station.

    Jackie said I was wasting my time.

    Guess what?  Of all the neat stuff I have down there, the glasses sold within 2 days.  Go figure.

    I am now $2.25 ahead after commissions and a sale price for last weekend.  At least it did better than my Portillo's stock.

    I decided to read a while today.  Sat down at about 2 in my chair.  Jackie woke me up about 4.  I hope that decision doesn't haunt me tonight when I go to bed.

    Someone told me it was going to get real windy and it would be a good idea to take down our outdoor umbrella.  Of course, this was about 2 a.m.

    I went out in my pajamas, in the rain, and took the umbrella down.

    That was a good decision, because we had some really strong winds this afternoon and it could have blown over my table.  But did I make the decision?   I am still not sure.

    Another decision looms.......recycling goes out tomorrow.  But it is windy.  I hate to put it out now because I don't want it to blow all over.   Not putting it out now means getting up early and getting it out in the morning.

    Snap.  Taking it out tomorrow morning.  Just need to  set the alarm.

    Next decision;  hot tea or hot toddy.  This may take a while.

Peace and Love    


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

all quiet

 It was all quiet here today

    If you ignore the huge fire over by Emily's.  A house burned, almost to the ground.  The only part left was the front wall and part of a side wall.  

    Several area fire departments sent help.  Since it was a rural area, water trucks were needed to battle the blaze.  The huge hook and ladder truck from Rochelle was even on the scene.

    Luckily, no one was injured.

    Emily texted us to say she was fine.  Some people posted on FB about a huge fire in her subdivision and she wanted us to not worry.

    We heard some of the fire engines, but not many.  Most of them must have gone down Fowler Road.

    No outside work today because it rained most of the day. 

    Rehearsals went well tonight.  I remembered my one line and when to say it, which is a bonus in my world.

    The downside is it is 11:20 and I just finished supper.  

    While Jackie was getting ready for bed, I had the baseball playoffs on tv.  One of the announcers said the player spent time with the Cubs and several other teams.

    It got me wondering: how many former Cubs are still playing baseball?  And not just from the 2016 team, but Cubs in general.  I do believe the Yankees have 5 active in Rizzo, Efross, Donaldson, D.J. LeMaheux, or however you spell it, and Glyber Torres, whom they traded to the Yankees for Chapman in 2016.  Can't count Chapman because he seems to be off the squad.

    Just a thought for the end of the day.

Peace and Love

Monday, October 10, 2022


 I have had a rough couple of days

    Saturday I walked into our bed footboard and banged my thigh.  It still hurts.

    Last night I was going from the den to the bedroom at about midnight.  The house was totally dark.  I know this house like the back of my hand.

    So, explain to me how I walked smack dab into the bedroom door frame!  Damn, that really hurt!  Within seconds I had a small lump forming over my right eye and a hell of a headache.

    Jackie asked me if I was ok, I like to think she was crying tears of pain for me and not tears of laughter.

    I put an icepack on it, took a couple of Tylenol, and tried to go to sleep.  Beteween my thigh, back, thumbs and head, it was hard to find a comfortable spot.

    I continued my "get it done campaign" by replacing two sensors on our home security system.  It is good to go, but I think I better explain it to Julia before I set it.  The folks at Xfinity walked me through it.

    Julia helped me change the outdoor motion detector lights.  I had her hold the ladder.  I figured my age, my clumsiness, and my rash behavior might be better served by a steady ladder.

    And I got a bike ride in!  Not long, only 6 miles....but it was my longest ride of the season.  Man it felt good and I wish I was not such a lazy bones in May and June.

    I sense a strange smell in the air.  I wonder if it is the soybeans being harvested.  Almost smells like paint.

    Although I only have one line in the upcoming play, somehow tonight I forgot to say it.  I had no idea why no one was talking but everyone was looking at me.  I blame it on not going to rehearsals before today.

    That's it.

Peace and Love

And more flower pictures.   Plus a bird.

This is the bird that has been hanging around.  It stood like this for several minutes.  I think it was waiting for a ground squirrel to pop up.

I have pots that I only plant with certain plants.  This pot has always had lemon grass or citronella.  But I have never seen this.  Any ideas?  Master Gardeners, is it a citronella?  It does not smell.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

I didn't know

I learned something today 

    The museum had a program on Native Americans in the media today.  

    No surprise, they are usually presented as savages out to do us harm.  Think of every John Wayne western you have seen.

   The gentleman presenting the program was of the Arapaho tribe.  He lives in Illinois and does these programs through a state program.

    Anyway, he said the term Indians comes from the words In Dios, which means innocents, child like in the presence of God.  But it also means people who are not smart, they are substandard, not equal to explorers like Columbus.

    So old Chris named them In Dios, which eventually became Indians.  And the origins of the term is why Native Americans resent it.

    I am not a big Cristopher Columbus fan.  He seems to be a bit underehanded, even nasty, to the peoples he encountered when he arrived in the Americas.

    Oh well....guess the Native Americans did not have a good immigration policy.

    I did one and 2/3 projects today.  

    My electronic outside garage door lock stopped working.   Turns out the battery was dead.  I replaced the battery, and the lock works.  I also replaced the battery on the garage door leading into the house.

    Also took out the burned out bulb on the motion detection light.  Now I have to get a replacement that is not that harsh bluish white light.

    And I played with my new toy.  I can't say more than that because I want to see if anyone in the house besides me notices what I did.  It's a start, but was remarkably easier than I thought.

    Enjoy the day tomorrow....should be nice.

Peace and Love.

    And more garden pictures!

I love this tree!!!  The yard decorations were pretty cool too.

Asters and sunflowers still blooming.

Rattlesnake master seed heads

Asters have a beautiful color

Saturday, October 8, 2022

location, location, location

I always gave an extra credit question to my class 

    On Oct. 8, 1871, a huge fire killed over 1,000 people.  What was the name of that fire?

    Not a lot of kids actually answered, and few got it correct.  Many asked their parents and they gave the Great Chicago Fire as the answer.

    Wrong, dragon breath.

    The Great Peshtigo Fire was the same day as the Chicago Fire.  But Peshtigo, located in northern Wisconsin, did not have the location, size, or communications Chicago had.

    The Pestigo fire killed somewhere between 1,200 and 2,000 people.  It was difficult to count, the fire was very intense.  The Chicago fire had about 300 fatalities.

    Add to the confusion, the Great Port Huron Fire and the Great Michigan Fire also happened on Oct, 8, 1871.

    It had been a very dry summer.  I don't think the exact cause of any of the fires has been determined.

    It was not a cow that kicked over a lantern.  Probably more likely someone who fells asleep in a barn while smoking that caused the Chicago blaze.

    Peshtigo people pointed to railroad crews who often burned off downed trees as they laid rail.

    And some speculate a comet left a debris trail that hit the earth with flaming meteroites.  

    Years ago I made a stop at the Peshtigo Fire Museum.  It is pretty small, located in a former church.  Next to the museum is a cemetery where a mass grave with over 500 victims are laid to rest.  

    I bought a booklet by a minister who survived the fire, but I have long since lost that.  I remember he hid in a well as the flames roared around him.  Others hid in a river.  There were fire tornadoes in the air, which spread the fire quickly.

    When I was at the museum, I remember another person coming in, looking around, and then asking the volunteer, "Why don't you have more stuff from the fire?"  She looked at him and answered simply, "It all burned."

    In all, 17 communities were destroyed.  

    But Chicago, because it was big amd had communication with the rest of the world, was the big news.  If I remember, a relief effort was conducted by Milwaukee citizens for Chicago, but not for the people in their state because no one had heard about the Peshtigo blaze.

    Fire Prevention Week is also the week containing Oct. 8.  At least I think it still is that week, but I don't hear much about it since I am not teaching.

    That's it.

Peace and Love

Friday, October 7, 2022

oh gosh

 This was a  trying day

    My caretaker job put a lot of stress on me today.  So when Kevin, Jen and Sam came over for Friday night pizza, I enjoyed the company and the wine I drank.

    Problem is, now I am really, really thirsty!  I can't seem to get enough water into my body.  

    I picked my garden beans...enough for two meals for Jackie and me.  I still have the carrots to go, but I don't worry about them freezing since they are underground.

    After watering my newly seeded areas of grass in the back, I disconnected my hoses because it is supposed to be cold tonight.  I should have reminded Emily, but it is now after 10 and it is too late to do  that.

    For a while I was looking for a book to read called "Tales of the Lincoln Highway."

    I could not find it.  Then former student and FB friend Kim mentioned a book by Amor Towles called "The Lincoln Highway."

    That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks.  There is no Tales of the Lincoln Highway!  What I must have read was Towles The Lincon Highway.  I misread Towles as Tales and threw in the of for good luck.

    I have the book.  I am reading it.  I like it.  Towles also did A Gentleman in Moscow, which I thought was an absolutely amazing story.  Sadly, I keep telling people to read Gentleman in a Moscow Hotel, because I keep forgetting the correct title.

    Makes me wonder how much I understand of what I read.

    Damn eyes.....keep on tricking me!

Peace and Love

Thursday, October 6, 2022

lost and found

I lost my phone yesterday

    In typical Dickow fashion, I did not know that until about 9:30 or so.

    My phone works through my hearing aids.  If someone calls, or texts, I can hear it through my hearing aids.

    Last night I had Jackie call my cell.  Nothing sounded in my hearing aids.  That meant they were out of reach with the phone.

    I went to the garage.  Looked under the seat, told Jackie to call me again, and again, no sound.

    I had the phone on mute.  We had been to the doctor Wednesday and I did not want the phone ringing in the middle of an appointment.  But it still sounds in my ears, even when on mute.

    I figured I left it in the office.  I called this morning and no, it was not there.

    I then remembered using it in the parking lot.  So maybe it fell out at my next stop.

    Meanwhile, Emily sent me a link to find the phone.  Julia worked through the link and it showed the phone was in the house.  So she sent a ping.  But Jackie's phone pinged.  

    Which seemed to be weird, so she sent another ping.

    I heard it.  In the closet.  My phone was in Jackie's purse.

    When I told them I found it in Jackie's purse, wifey said, "Oh yeah!  Remember, I told you I was putting it in my purse so you didn't lose it in the car.  I forgot."

    And I forgot.

    But I did spend almost half an hour looking through clothes, in the car, making calls, and wondering where it was.

    That's my life.  I can't remember where I put things, I don't put things away, I waste a lot of time looking for stuff.  To be honest, it is frustrating and depressing to me that I can't organize my life better.

    I have been that way my entire life.  And don't mention dealing with paper....that is a whole different story.

    Julia made chili today.  She asked me when I bought chili powder.  I said I can't remember.  She pointed out the chili powder was best used by 2010 and the HBP Coriciden in the closet expired in 2015. 

    Hell, the chili powder would be in jmiddle school!

    Tomorrow's another day.

Peace and Love 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

oh my godness

 I did something extremely careless today

    We were driving down School Street by the middle school.  We approached Caron Road, a fairly busy street with a lot of trucks

    I saw the stop sign.

    I didn't stop.

    I went right through at about 30 MPH. 

    Jackie yelled as I approached the sign, but I did not slow.  I don't know what happened.

    All I know is what didn't happen.  There was not a single car on Caron Road.  No traffic at all.  

    We were very lucky.

    We had just left a doctor's appointment.  We both got our Moderna boosters.  Usually we have Emily give them to us, but WM does not have Moderna yet.

    I found out the worrisome spot on my back was not a skin cancer, so my mind was not focused on that.  I just don't know what happened.

    The doc did point out that three visits ago I weighed 197.  Two visits ago I was 199.  Today I was 205.

    I love bread, pasta, pizza, cookies, cake, ice cream........and maybe I love it all a little too much.  

    Did get to watch the last part of the Cubs rout today.  I hate the end of the season.  I feel another year has gone, which means a lot when you are 74.  I love watching the Cubs, listening to Pat Hughes, hoping for another World Series.......which I predict will be 2024.

    I guess I need to make a change or I might not see the Series in 2024. can be tough.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

faux pas

 Sometimes I just can't help it

    I try my best, but it does not work out well for me.

    For example, we don't have yard waste pick up out here in the country.  So, if I have yard waste to get rid of, I put it in a brown bag and take it to SK's or SM's.  Usually I go at night and put it in their driveway, but I always tell them I am doing it.

    I don't want them to think there is midnight bag dropper out there.

    So, had some stuff.  Put it in a brown bag.  It was supposed to rain three weeks ago, so I did not take it.

    Went o pick it up last Sunday......the bottom of the bag fell out.  The crap was still wet. 

    Put it in a new bag.  Went to pick it up yesterday  and the bottom fell out.  I put it in another bag and  the bottom on that is pretty wet.  

    I won't take it like that, because if the bottom breaks, I don't want people to have to clean up my mess.

    Last spring I had people come in and level my septic lines.  They settled a little and it was pretty bumpy mowing.  They leveled it, seeded it, and it was fine.

    It rained a couple of times and the grass started to grow.  Then it got dry.  I did not water.  The grass died.

    Yesterday I went and bought 6 40 pound bags of top soil.  I figured to spread the top soil thinly, rake it down, seed it, and water it.  

    6 bags did not come close.

    I bought 12 more bags today. 

    The bags are stored in a fenced in yard, and I had to drive down to where they were and someone would help me load.

    (Yesterday an extremely cute young lady helped me load the 6 bags.  She was a hell of a lot stronger than me.  Better looking too.  No such luck today.)

    I started the car, put it in drive.....and it seemed like it went over a bump and stopped.

    My first thought was I ran over the guy helping me.  Or I ran oveer one of those concrete bumpers.

    I got out and looked and .... nothing.  No obstacles or bodies in the way.

    I got back in the car and tried again.  Could not go forward or  reverse.  Years ago I had a similar situation and Jackie asked if the emergency brake was on.  It was.

    Today I looked and saw a red light on the control panel.  It was the parking brake.  I had evidently hit the button by mistake.  So I hit it again, and moved forward.

    I have spread the 12 bags.  I have raked the dirt down.  I have put a lot of seed on it.  I have watered it.

    And tomorrow I am going back for another 8 bags so I can finish.

    Let's do the math.  I moved 18 bags from the car to the yard cart.  That is 720 pounds.  Then I moved the dirt from the yard cart to the ground, one stinkin shovel at a time.  Another 720 pounds.  

    And damn right I an watering the stuff 2 times a day.  

    I just hope it grows.

Peace and Love

Monday, October 3, 2022

getting the bird

 I must have blinders on lately

    Went for a ride around the block today.  Gosh, it was beautiful outside!  I wish every day could be like this, with a little rain overnight, just like in Camelot.

    Anyway, I had just passed my house and was going to turn around at Skare.  A blue van was behind me.  They slowed.  I pulled over as far as I could.  They stopped.  So I pulled off the road but they didn't move.

    I thought they were waiting for me to go, but I waited for them. They eventually moved on.

    I got back on my bike, headed east on Shagbark, and looked in the field next to my house.

    There was the biggest bird I have ever seen in the field!  Long lets, long beak...I do believe it was a crane.  Maybe it was a heron, but it just seemed so large.

    Turns out it has been hanging around the neighborhood for a few days and I have just not seen it.

    Instead of the car waiting for me, they were watching the bird.

    When I finally got my phone out, it took off.

    We have a big hawk that hangs around.  When we had a caregiver coming in for Jackie, the two of them saw the hawk land on our back patio  railing.  By the time I got out of the bathroom, it was gone.

    Last week Julia looked out and saw a big bird on the railing.  It was the hawk again.  By the time she got my camera, it had taken off.  I was still asleep.

    I have only seen him in the oak tree at the back of our yard and on our roof.

    I caught a ground squirrel today.  He was a cute little fella.  Or girl.  I don't know how to tell the difference on a ground squirrel.

    I took it out to the park and set it free.

    Then I got to thinking.  Sure, they dig holes in my yard in several places.  Sure they run across the porch when Julia is out reading.  Sure, they are one of the reasons the hawk keeps coming back.  So why should I worry about them? Maybe I should just let them live in peace.  As long as they don't come in the house, I guess that is fine.

    They make a Roomba type lawn mower.  It cuts the grass continually, docking itself when it needs a recharge.

    I thought that would be neat.  

    But I am not sure that would be good if little Chip, or Dale, pops up out of their hole and gets decapitated.  

    "Dear, what's the weather like?'

    "I'll just pop my head out and.....aaarcgh!"

    I know, it's not funny.

Peace and Love

Sunday, October 2, 2022

huh moments

 Did you ever have a huh moment?

    It's when something you have b een doing a long time turns out not to be correct.  Or you just noticed it.


    Song lyrics.  For years I thought it was "Scuse me while I kiss this guy."  Turns out it is pierce the sky.  And nobody was wrapped up like a douche, but a deuce.  There are several more I have sung wrong for years.

    Juice.  Jackie likes cranberry juice.  I made the mistake once of  buying her a cranberry juice cocktail product.  She did not like that.  "Only get me 100 percent cranberry juice."  

    I was at the store last week and picked up a bottle of cranberry juice.  In huge letters it said "100% juice."  In smaller letters, it said "made from a blend of 4 fruit juices."

    So, was that a cocktail?  No, because there were products clearly marked cocktail.

    I did not buy it, because it was not 100 % cranberry juice.

    When I got home I checked the current jug.  It is a blend of 4 juices.  I checked out the jugs we have in the garage.  (I put bird seed in them because they have little plastic handles and it makes it easier to hold.)  Same thing, a blend of juices.

    I went to the company's website and the labels say the same thing.  There was also a comment section, and a lot of people were complaining.  One person commented something to the effect "quit your clearly states on the label it is a blend of 4 juices.  It never says 100 % cranberry juice."

    I went huh, because I have never noticed that.

    I also wen huh midway through the second quarter of the Bears game, because they just can not move the ball.  So I did something else.

    I dug some carrots for supper and found a ground squirrel hole in the middle of the garden.  I went huh and set a trap.  We'll see, my little varmint.  (It is a live trap...I take the little fellers out into the bleak country side and set them free.)

    I did ride my bike today.  It was a beautiful day, and I spent time on the patio having a coffee and after supper I  rode around the block a couple of times.  It felt good, just like I knew it would.

    I just need to do that more in the next month.  It relaxes me so much.  Huh.

Peace and Love

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Oh socks

 I got diabetic socks today

    Actually, to be correct they are socks for diabetics to wear.  I am not diabetic. Neither are the socks.

    I don't like them.  They don't have the soft, heavily cushioned sole I like.

    But when I wear my black socks, I end up with a rather noticeable ring around my mid-calf.  I read an article that said tight socks could affect circulation, causing feet to itch when you take off the socks.  That is what mine do.

    These socks don't have a tight elastic band.  I hope they work.  I hope I grow to like them, or else I may just resort to cutting the elastic on my old socks.

    I mowed today.  I set a personal record of just 67 minutes!  Having those flip up downspouts really helps.  But so does having Julia in the house with Jackie.

    I felt pretty good, so I planted some mums.  I removed the flowers in the hanging baskets and put a mum in one of the baskets. I picked it up and it was pretty darn heavy.,  I thought it was too heavy for the hook in the porch ceiling.  So I repotted it into a regular flower pot.

    I also went to the high school play tonight.  The youngin's presented "The Phantom Tollbooth,"  which I enjoyed reading some 40 years ago.  It's a fantasy story for children, but much of the humor seemed aimed at adults.  Nothnhg suggestive, but maybe sophisticated

    I have to go back and read the book.

    I enjoy high school shows.  I usually find two or three people who stand out, at least to me.  This show was no exception.  Some actors just take over a role, and that was true tonight.

    I just hope after they graduate and move on in life, they remember the joy they had acting and keep involved on some level.

    After all, Rochelle produced Joan Allen, who is a big name in the acting world.  

    Remember...if it is possible, it can't be impossible.

Peace and Love