Sunday, July 24, 2022


 I had a nice sleep last night

    Usually I have a hard time sleeping.  Despite the weather radio going off 3 times, and me getting up to check what the forecast was, I slept great!

    Maybe too great.  When the cuckoo hit 10, I was shocked.  I did not think it was that late, but it was.

    Which put me behind to start the day.

    But, I did get the yard mowed and trimmed.  When Julia's friends Nam and Matt were here, he mowed July 3.  I have not mowed since.

    The grass has not grown much, except where I water my veggies.  The grass around that area is pretty thick.

    I have a love/hate relationship with grass.  I think it is wasteful to spend so much on gas and time to maintain a yard.  I would rather see wildflowers in more of the yard, and less grass.  But given our love affair with turf, that won't happen.

    On the other hand, I think houses with neat yards look nice.  

    I also pulled down pea vines today.  They are starting to brown up, so I took them down.  I will rake up the ground and put some green beans in their place.  When the Italian beans get done, I will plant more peas there and hope they make it before the frost.

    Caught a few minutes of  the  Cubs.  I have my W flag out because they won again!  And they beat a good team!

    Growing up just blocks from Wrigley, I became a Cub fan early.

    But one of my favorite players when I was a kid was Minnie Minoso.  I loved reading about him and watching him play ball.

    I am glad he finally made it to the Hall of Fame.  It is an honor long overdue.  It's too bad heis not alive to enjoy the moment.

Peace and Love

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