Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Good grief

 I consider myself fairly normal

    Some of you may disagree, but really, I am not that crazy.

    Compared to this:   A 53 year old Colorado man is on his hands and knees, pushing a peanut up Pikes Peak.

    Yes, that is correct.  12.6  miles of pushing a peanut.  Uphill.  The peanut is in the shell.  Uphill.

    What is weird is he is not the first person to do it!

    The first person did it in 1929.  It took 11days.

    In 1963 another man pushed a peanut up in 8 days.  He covered the 12.6  mile trek with a wooden spoon attached to his nose!

    The last person did it in 1976.

    The current peanut pusher hopes to be done by July 17.

    By September he will be able to stand upright again.

    Of course, they were all men.  Which may mean something.

    (I can see his gravestone:  In 2022 he pushed a peanut up Pike's Peak using his nose.  Contrast that to Jefferson or Lincon!)

    With my luck, I would hit mile marker 10 and sneeze, then watch the peanut roll all the way down the road.  Or a squirrel (do they have those on the Peak?) would steal it and I would be unable to finish my quest.

    I have never been to Pike's Peak.  I think it would be neat to go up it, but not pushing a peanut, especially with a wooden spoon attached to my nose.

    Actually, I don't think there is anything I would do with a wooden spoon attached to my nose, but then, never say never.

    Now excuse me, I have to go find a peanut.  You never know when I may need to know how to push one with my nose.

 Peace and Love


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