Monday, July 25, 2022

Almost there

 Several things in my life are almost there

    The play is coming along.  I think I know all  my lines, it is just saying them that is the problem  But rehearsals have been going well.

    Speaking of which, we start with costumes this week.  We both have several changes and in the past when we exit to change, we stop, raise our hands above our head, and the changers do the rest.  Sometimes we just need to change tops, but sometimes we need to change bottoms, shoes, wigs, can be a hectic time.

    We are also working iun light and sound cues, which again, makes it a whole lot harder to remember what to say when you are turning of a radio or turing it on.  

    We are close on that part of the show too.

    Another almost there is this blog.

As of tonight, there are 248,200 or so views.   Pretty close to one quarter of a million!  I am impressed that people have read it for so long and so often.  Thank you.

    One thing I am not close on ...... picking the winning numbers in the lottery.  I have spent the 700 million already, so my numbers better not fail me this week or a guy named Guido will be coming for one of my thumbs.

    Peace and Love

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