Friday, July 22, 2022


 We made a big lifestyle change today

    We bought a Pacifica van.  We traded in the BMW.

    Short story long, we had a van years ago.  Jackie could not get in the van.  We bought the BMW.  Jackie got worse and can't get in the car without me lifting her up and setting her on the seat.

    Several times we have not made it.  Julia, Judy, Emily, Joanna, Kevin, and total strangers have had to help me get her off the ground and into the seat.

    So, what is different?

    I ordered a seat that pivots and lowers.  Jackie just has to use the remote control to get the seat into and out of the car.  I won't have to lift her as much, but more importantly, she won't be at a high risk of falling onto the pavement.

    The BMW can not accomodate the seat....evidently the door openings are not wide enough.  Some car models have not yet been approved for the seat, and some approved models are not recommended by the installer.

    I am really nervous about the whole thing.  I have checked with 4 sources and all say the 2022 Pacifica is adaptable.  I just hope it all goes well.

    We get the car next week, and the seat should be in within the week, so then we will schedule installation.

    Like I said, that's a big change for us.  I drove a mini-van for years and was very happy to move out of one.  

    But you do what you have to do to make like better.

    And don't look for a blog Saturday!

    Jimmy Buffett is at Apine Valley and I may not get home until late.  I know, I can hear the exclamations of disappointment already.

    Of course, Jackie said there is a good chance of thunderstorms tomorrow night, so maybe I will spend the show in a car.

Peace and Love

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