Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Swell times

 We had Swissies at the house today

    My nephew Mike,  his wife Megan and sone Ben and Michael wer here for lunch. 

    They live in Switzerland, near Zurich.  Megan went there about 11 years ago for her job.  Like Julia, it was supposed to be for 3 years........ but they are all still there.

    I grilled brats and burgers, we had corn and some salads and cookies for dessert.

    It was a short, but great visit.  My brother Carl and his wife Ruth came down and we all just sat around and talked.

    Rehearsal was a bit interesting tonight.  We worked with costumes, which always throughs me a little.  Tonight was no exception. I go from Arles to Didi to Petey to Helen, Vera and a couple more Arles changes in the first act.  I can't believe how tired I was when I got home, and how hard it is to get off the artificial high and to to bed.

    I got 27 texts during rehearsal.  Seems someone found a cute little dog to adopt and we have started the process.  That is all I know.

    Also learned that Klondike was discontinuing its Choco Taco frozen treat afte 40 years!  That wa a big surprise, because I don't ever remember seeing it in freezer sections.  I better snap some up now before it is too late just to have the experience of having one.

Peace and Love

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