Friday, July 8, 2022

write me in

 I am officially announcing my candidacy

    I am not sure what I am running for, but I know some of you will be crazy enough to vote for me.

    I have a platform that is dedicated to basic sense.

    Here are the top 10 items in my candidacy

10        Eliminate the penny.  They cost a lot to make and nobody wants to deal with them.  Try paying for an item in pennies and see what response you get.

9            Include tax on all prices.  If the can of beans is 49   cents ( I can't find the little cents that obsolete now?) that would include the tax.   That way people can figure out if they have enough money to pay for groceries a little more easily.

8            Require all fitted sheet makers to put labels on the long sides.  Enough of this guessing which side is longer or shorter.

7            Since we are eliminating pennies, don't price items with a 9 in the cents column.  Round everything up or down.

6            Require all credit and debit card readers to work the same way.  Every time I go into a store I have to be retrained on how to use the damn machine.

5            Noiseless Sundays.  This is a Swiss thing.  No mowing, leaf blowing, hammering, outdoor radio playing......make the day a quiet day for reflection and thought and naps.

4             Make Leap Year Day an election day.  That's when we vote for president...once every 4 years.  It would be a national holiday.  Hell, it should be a national holiday anyway since it happens once in 4 years.  In our lifetime, we could hopefully see 20-25 leap year days.  I think that is special enough to have the day off.

3            Ignore Ground Hog Day and the Farmer's Almanac.  Just because.

2            Require everyone upon reaching the age of 18 to travel to another country or two  and spend a month there.

1            My ideas are no worse than any of these other Bozos running for office.

    Feel free to write me in for President, senate, congress, state office......whatever.

Peace and Love       

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