Monday, July 4, 2022

Fourth day

 I had another laid back day

    We had friends over for a barbecue, and spent three  hours laughing and talking.  That always feels good.

    Especially since we have not seen Bart and Laurie for a while.  Probably over a year, despite several promises of "let's get together."

    Brats and burgers were on the menu and once again, Matt manned the barbie and did a wonderful job.  We also had corn, three types of salad, cookies and cherry bars.  And yes, some rosé was consumed.  It was good.

    I did work on lines for a bit and it is obvious it was not enough.  I am getting there, but too slowly.

    Matt and Nam leave tomorrow.  It was great having them here and I hope they come back again.  I know Julia enjoyed talking to Swiss friends face to face and I know they enjoyed their time here.

    Nature is putting on quite an electircal display  in the sky north of us.  My weather radio has sounded several alerts in the past hour, all for areas north of us.  But I am sure our time will come.  Heavy storms are predicted for the post midnight hours.

    I just hope they are not dangerous.

    Have a happy rest of the Fourth.

Peace and Love

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