Wednesday, July 6, 2022


I went out to water plants and got bit 

    I did not feel anything at the time.  But the  next morning, I woke up and there was a nodule on my arm and it itched.

    It still itches.

    Plus, it is hard.

    And I did not feel a thing.

    Tonight when I went out to water plants I found 3 toads.......all hanging around the back door.  I figure we have lights on all night there and it must be a good spot to catch bugs. I wish one had caught the sucker that bit me.

    A most amazing thing did not happen to me today.  I was in DeKalb with my hearing aids and I did NOT stop at a Starbucks.  I don't know when I have ever done that.  It just seems I am coffeed out for a few days.

    We did get rain last night.  Not a lot. I did not check my rain guage until tonight, and there was only .2 when I did check.  It did not seem to rain heavily or for long.  Maybe tomorrow.

    That's about it....but I can't believe how tired I am lately.  Maybe it is the heat, but this old man is feeling tired and slow.

Peace and Love

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