Thursday, July 7, 2022

le Tour

 I always watched the Tour de France

    I think the riders are the most athletic and well conditioned people in the world.  Riding hundreds of miles in a short period of time, I like watching it for more than just the racing.

    By the way, this year they cover 2,068 miles in 23 days with 2 rest days. Yikes!!

    Yes, I followed when Lance Armstrong rode....and Greg LeMonde and others, but to me the greatest thing about the race is the scenery.

    As they go across the country side, or through small towns, it is amazing to see the centuries old houses and buildings.  Castles, forts, quaint villages,  churches, mountain tops...all are visible while watching the race.

    It always makes me want to go back to France.

    The Tour does not stay in France.  It ventures out of the country a few days each race.

    A few years ago Julia and some friends went to  Martigny, Switzerland, to watch the Tour.  In 20 years she lived there,  that was the closest.

    But this year.....timing is every thing.  The tour will be going through Vevey, Montreux and Chardonne....passing in front of the apartment building in which Julia used to live.  How exciting that would be to be living  there as the Tour passed!

    So, we will watch on TV Saturday and Sunday to see if we spot places we recognize.  I am sure Julia will, but I bet I see a few spots to.  Even if it is not on the Tour route, I am sure Freddy Mercury, Charlie Chaplin, La Marché, and the Fork will make appearances.

    I have not watched in a few years.  The pandemic, rampant cheating, and lack of a racer to follow put me off a bit.

    But this year I will tune in more, just to see the 200 riders snake their way through a small town, passed a castle, or go up a mountain.

    Such fun!

Peace and Love

Skare Park today.....mommy and two youngins!  None of them seem afraid of me.

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