Monday, July 11, 2022

pay attention!

 That is what I should have done

    Gardening is not a set it and forget it process.

    I went out to weed my veggies today for the first time in 2 weeks and was greatly surprised.

    Deer seem to have eaten the tops of my bean plants.  

    My tomatoes look like crapola in a can.

    Green peppers are not exactly blazing away.

    Cucumbers have runners everywhere with lots of flowers.

    Peas are starting to brown up...... but there are not many peas on the vines.

    I know peas like cool weather.  This spring was terrible for planting.  It was cold, wet, cold, wet and I did not get them in until mid-May, which is much later than normal.  Then it got hot.  Peas don't like heat.  It shows.

    I have some deer repellant in the garage.  It does no good there, does it Nadine?  I have to spray the plants to repel the deer.  I hope it is not too late.  The beans have flowers, but not many leaves.

    It is the tomatoes that really get me.  

    When I plant them, I trim up  the lower branches.  Then I regularly check to be sure lower branches are not sprouting and laying on the ground.  This year I did not do that and my plants are like bushes.  I had 5 or 6 tomatoes on the ground, rotten, on the two plants.  So I trimmed them.  Now they look terrible.  Maybe I should look for two new ones and replant, but isn't it too late?

    I hate to complain, but I am, I just don't seem to have the energy or desire to maintain the garden like I did last year.  Maybe it's the heat, or my age, or my mental state....but I don't like going out there.

    It used to be relaxing and rewarding.  This year it is hot and a chore.

    I just hope it is all like a gall stone.  As the doc said, this too shall pass.

Peace and Love

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