Saturday, July 30, 2022

not me

Big news:  I was not the lotto winner 

    When I heard the winning ticket was sold in Illinois,  my heart did a little bit of a flutter.  I know not many people bought tickets, right?

    Then I heard the winning ticket was sold in a suburb.....and I have not been there recently.  Oh well.

    I was listening to Wait Wait this morning and  they were talking about a giant Chinese rocket  recently launched.  When it re-enters, there is a 1 in 10,000 chance a person could be hit.  That is still 300 times less than winning the lottery.  Yikes.  Keep your eyes on the skies!

    I try to conserve fuel.  I hate using gas to mow the yard.  I wish I had more natural flower space and less grass, but I don't.  So I mow.

    I got one swing to the back to day and ran out of gas.

    I should have gotten gas this morning when I went to the store, but noooooo.  I had to wait until I needed to make and extra trip.  I learned my lesson, again.

    That added another half hour to my mowing time.  And I had to mow some areas twice because the grass was really long around the veggie gardens because I do water those.  

    I an mever happy with the way the yard looks after I mow.  I don't know why, but it just does not look good to me.  This summer is terrible because of the lack of rain and the heat; the yard is taking a beating.

    It just seemed to take forever tonight.  

    We look to be in the 90s again toward the middle of next week, something I am not looking forward to.  I figured mow today and keep refreshed for the last week of rehearsals before the show.

    Get your tickets now for the best seating!

Peace and Love

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