Wednesday, July 20, 2022


 I often wonder about scammers

    Are they just bad people, or are they desperate?

    That does not excuse their lives.  But it takes two to scam.

    Lots of times I see posts on peoples' pages that run along the line of:  You sound like a nice person.  Would you like to be a friend so we can get better acquainted?

    It makes me wonder if the person does become friends, and if so, how does that turn out?

    Every once in a while in the news you read about a person who lost thousands of dollars to a "friend" who had a legal problem, business expense, medical bill and some older woman or man is gullible enough to send money, sometimes tons of money.

    Or a long distance romance where one person needs several thousand dollars to visit the other.  The gullible one sends the money and often it isn't enough, so more has to be sent and then the scammer disappears.

    I just know I have to be careful, and I tell Jackie that all the time.  Don't fall for some stranger's friend request and never give out bank account information or send money to a stranger.

    Of course, we all know that, right?

Peace and Love

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