Saturday, July 16, 2022

not this one

We met a dog today 

    Liam is a sweet little boy dog....but he is not for us.  

    He is adorable.  Foster parent says he has a great personality and loves people...but we did not warm up to him.

    I think you have to fall in love with a dog to want it for your own.  The minute we met Corki, we were in love.  That didn't happen today.

    But if you are looking for a dog, he would be great.  Just no for us.

    Spent part of the day watching the set get built for the play.  I am a holder....I hold things while other people nail  them or screw them together.  I am also a fetcher....I go and help move stuff, light stuff, so it can be used.

    The crew had most of the work done by the time I got there, and by the time I left, they were finishing up one area and holding/fetching skills were no longer needed.  Oh, I also observe.  I sit and watch the workers.

    The downer of the day is  the headache I seem to have.  My head is pounding, then it is fine, then it is pounding.  I have taken a nap and some drugs, but so far no relief.

    It may be the weather.....or stress....or lack of sleep.  Hopefully it goes away soon.

Peace and Love

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