Tuesday, July 5, 2022

weather...or not

 We have been in a strange weather pattern

    Yesterday the forecast called for 100 % chance of rain...we got none. 

    Sitting on the porch last night, we watched the lightning flash like a neon sign in the north, which received a lot of rain.

    But us?  Not so much.

    Last year the same thing happened....our area did not get rain while people all around us did.  Very strange.  According to the state, we are in a slight drought situation.

    Maybe tonight will be different.  There is lightning to the north, west and east....which means we are in the middle of a storm... but it is not raining.  And that is too bad, because my grass , trees and flowers need a good dose.

    Our guests Nam and Matt left today.  They are Julia's friends from Switzerland and we were happy to host them for the week.  We all enjoyed their company and hope they come back soon.  It was a fun week with them.

    The only downer of the day was I think I broke a hearing aid.  I went to change the cone and filter and the filter broke off inside the device.  As soon as I can I will take it over to the audiologist and see about repairs.

    And hot?  Holy cow, it was a brutal day.  I took a nap at 1 and slept through Emily coming into the house and talking to Jackie.  I must have been tired.

    Now, going to bed I will be hoping for rain.

Peace and Love

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