Saturday, July 2, 2022


There was weirdness in the air tonight

    First off, somebody in our area put on a fireworks show at about 10:30.  There were loud, and I mean LOUD, explosions.  It went on for almost 30 minutes.

    What kind of person does that to their neighbors?  Geesh.

    Someone else was setting off what we think were Chinese lanterns.  These are the paper bag type things you put a candle or flame in and they rise up into the sky, eventually setting the lantern part on fire.

    Not sure that is a good idea in an area in the middle of a minor drought, but it was kind of neat to watch.  And it did not make noise.  

    But the weirdest.....aliens!

    We (Nam and Julia and I) were sitting on the porch and I saw a white light in the sky to the north west.  It moved.  South.  Then North.  Then up.  Then down.

    We discussed it being a helicopter, or a drone, or a spaceship.  I am going with the spaceship.

    It moved back and forth and up and down in the sky....going north to south to north.  Eventually it headed south and we lost sight of it.  It moved quickly.  It hovered.

    If it was a drone, why would it be flying at night?  This was around 10.  What would it see?  Maybe it had infrared cameras, but it went south and did not come back.  Now maybe it started in the south and came north, but what is the range on a drone?  

    It was not an insect because the light was constant most of the time.  A couple of times it went out but came back on quickly.

    We tried getting a video, but could not capture it.  Maybe it had some kind of coating that prevented cameras from capturing its image, huh?

    Other weirdness.....Jackie missed the front seat again.  Matt and I got her up an in the car to go see the fireworks.

    At the end of the fireworks we had to detour because there was an accident at 20th St. and Flagg Road.  Not being able to exit the Lincoln School parking lot from 20th St. , we had to go out through the high school exit.  I then opted to go the long way home, because I was not sure what the traffic situation was on Flagg Road.

    And completing the weirness of the day, the Cubs beat the Red Sox!  (Sorry, Trisha) One of the best teams in baseball, beaten by one of the worst.   Maybe there is hope...the kids are starting to get hungry.

    I would say, "Happy Fourth of July."

    But it is only July 2.

Peace and Love

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