Sunday, July 3, 2022

Sunday is funday

 Not a lot of action today

    Julia, Matt and Nam went to the outlet mall near Aurora, I let out the dogs at Emily's, and I worked on my script.

    The best part of the day was supper.

    Matt likes to grill.  We went to Headon's the other day and I bought some Iowa chops.  These are about an inch or more thick!  I love them, and cooked properly they are delicious.

    Matt was the grillmaster and marinated them, put a rub on a couple, and grilled them to perfection.

    We added salads to that and had a great meal with Emily, Jackie, Julia, Nam,  Matt, and me.

    I even made a few mojitos, so please excuse any misspellings.

    While we were sitting on the patio in back, a deer wandered through the yard, completely oblivious to us.  

    Fireworks going off again....I hate to be a gripe, but I really don't like them.

Happy Third of July!!

Peace and Love

And pictures.

    This young one was bedded down in the field next door and then took a walk through our yard.

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