Friday, July 29, 2022

E gads

 What a whirlwind of a day

    Our internet has been weird.  Right in the middle of something, it dies.  About 4 or 5 minutes later, it comes back.  Today we lost phones and internet off and on for about an hour. Really frustrating.

    But I did get a refund from Ticketmaster for the Buffett tickets. I am happy for that.

    Jackie finally cancelled our Sirius because we get a free trial with the new car.  It was hard to do when the phones and internet kept going off and on.

    Serviceman came to check out the drier.  Sometimes it runs for 10 minutes then shuts off.  We restart it and it does the same thing.  The third time is the charm because it then finishes the cycle.  The only problem he found was a massive build up of lint and he suggested I clean the vent yearly.  That's not going to happen.

    Went to DeKalb to buy whiskey at Whiskey Acres.  They have a special blend that came out today and I was buying one for Emily, who was buying it for Joanna.  I was told to get their early as it may sell out.  I got there at 2:45, the sale started at 3, and I was 41st in line.  There was a limit of one bottle per person and there were about 70 bottles available.  So, I was able to get one.

    But, a guy was selling barbecue out in front and I waited in line so long I got hungry and bought 2 sliders, one brisket and one chicken, plus some Elota and mac and cheese.  It was all very good.  Elota is a spanish style corn.  So I did learn something today.

    A stop at a grocery store and then I picked up a pizza and brought it home.  That's when the fun started.

    Emily was busy, so Julia was letting out the dogs.  I got a call to come over, and found bloody footprints around the house.  As I understand it, two of the dogs were outside running and they ran into each other, causing a bit of a tiff.  One of the dogs came out of it with a bloody foot.

    While we were taking care of that, Amelia started walking in circles.  Emily was called and we found out Amelia has vertigo!  So, Julia carried her in and put her in a bed in Emily's bedroom, and put the dog with the bloody foot in there too.

    After we  got that straightened out, we went home and Julia, Jackie, Sheri and I enjoyed some pizza, wine, and great conversation.

    All in all, it was a pretty nice day.

Peace and Love

 The line ahead of me, wating for whiskey


    Ok, my phone died .  I could not figure out why.  When I downloaded pictures tonight, I had 648 that looked exactly like this.  Go figure.




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