Tuesday, July 19, 2022

hear those bells

 This is not a typical entry for me

    Usually I am light hearted, with some funny anecdote to share or some fantasies in my mind.

    But today I am just concerned.

    It was over 100 in London.  Glaciers are melting all over the world.  The sea ice is disappearing.  Polar bears are endangered.  Sea levels are rising.  Drought and extreme storms seem to be increasing around the world.

    The bells are going off....alarm bells, warning bells, all sorts of bells.

    But the governments of this world don't seem to be doing as much as possible to lessen the din of those bells.

    It is scarey.  

    What kind of world are we leaving for our future generations?

    If you live in an area that has drought, chances are at some point you will move to an area where there is more likely to be water.  What affect will that have on immigration?  Will countries with water resources  be willing to take in those people, or will those people have to fight to gain access to water?

    I am not a scientist.  I don't know the answers.

    But there are peoplewho do and they better start being listened to, today, this minute.

    To me, this is a world problem that needs to be solved today.  

    The bells have been ringing for years.  But with the fires in our western states, and in the Alaskan tundra, and France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and droughts throughout the world, now the bells are screaming:   Help!!  Act Now!!

    That's my 2 cents.

Peace and Love

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