Sunday, July 17, 2022

no nap day

I did not take a nap today 

    Instead, we spent a great day visiting with friends John and Kathy from the city.  And they brought cookies from a German bakery near their house!  Yummy!!

    I have known John since around 5th grade, maybe even before.  It's always great to be with them.

    We used to go into the city to visit them, but with Jackie's situation it becomes very hard to do that.  Stairs, lack of handicapped facilities in restaurants, and just plain difficulty in moving around are problems.

    So they came to us.

    I grilled, but my skills are not as good as Matt the Swiss griller.  The meat did turn out well....some pieces were red, as requested; some pieces were pink; and some were brown.

    Julia and Emily came and everyone pitched in to make it a great day.

    I actually felt pretty good today.  I think I was having a vertigo issue...dizzy, headache, light sensitivity.... or maybe a migraine.  But right now the pain is almost gone.

    I did have trouble sleeping last night and tried a little medicated gummy.  It did not help.  Nor did the second one.  I think it was about 2 or 3 when I finally fell asleep.

    Maybe it is the 2 hour naps I take that affect my sleep.  Or worrying about life.  Or thinking too much.   Maybe the bed.  Who knows?

    I wish I could figure it out though.

    At least the Cubs pulled out a win!  The streak is broken.  I had to blow the dust and spiders off my flag when I put it outside.

Peace and Love

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