Saturday, July 9, 2022

lazy days

 Today was just a laid back day

    I dusted furniture, vacuumed floors, did a couple of loads of laundry, worked on my script, then took a nap.

    Matt came back today.  His flight back to Switzerland was cancelled due to a strike, so he was stuck in Chicago overnight.  He came out here and is spending the night with us, which is great!  We went to Flight Deck for supper and watched the skydivers land.  It was a beautiful night.

    The one down side was the Cubs losing.  They had a 3-2 lead going into the bottom of the ninth but gave up a run, then lost it in the 10th.

    They were playing the Dodgers in LA, which made it a late night.  Truthfully, Jackie fell asleep thinking they won and I may have slept through a couple of innings before the ending.

    I need to do some deadheading outside, but I keep putting it off.  Maybe tomorrow.

    Or not.

Peace and Love


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