Tuesday, December 7, 2021

well....not bad

 I am enjoying a hot buttered rum

    The recipe I used called for 1 tsp ground cloves, but I think the next time I will reduce that to half.  It just seems clovy.  If that is a word.

    But it is not bad.  2 oz run and 6 oz hot water added to the mix that I made and stored in the fridge.  I think there is enough for several more hot buttered rums.

    Julia comes home tomorrow.  

    In the newspaper field, that would be the lead on this blog, not the hot buttered rum.

    We are thrilled to have her home, although it will be strange when she does not go back to Switzerland.

    She has been there almost 20 years.  Jackie and I have gone multiple times to visit and really like the people she has befriended over the years.

    But all good things come to an end.

    Now it's find a job, get a house, adjust to life in the US...which I think will be the hardest thing for her.

    But both our girls will be in Illinois!  Emily won't be the only daughter who gets strange text messages from a doddering parent!

    It's funny how fast time goes.  I was 53 (almost, anyway) when she left here.  The past 20 years have been a blur, a mix of tears, laughter, concern, fear, thankfullness.

    Enjoy the time you have.  Relish it.  Don't blink or it will pass.

    Say, This hot botteredd rumn is tasting ightym goods!

Peace and Love

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