Sunday, December 19, 2021

boom da da ch ch

 Jackie and I did some rapping today

    Sorry, make that wrapping.  As in Christmas presents.

    First off, I really thought those were ornaments on the paper.  Turns out they were birthday ballons.

    Cpuld not find labels.  Looked through several boxes before I found them.  The name tags were so small we could only use initials.  So we have   To E   From  M & D

    Translated, that is to Emily from Mom and Dad.

    Now, John and Julia pose a problem which may only be solved at gift opening time.

    As you all know, I save stuff.  Too much stuff.  Some people may call it crap, but I call it .... stuff.  That causes me some frustration, as today I knocked over two plastic tubs of ribbon and boxes.  I did not pick them up.  I am starting to tell people my basement is not a mess, I am just constructing an indoor maze.

    I save boxes.  Really good boxes get used over.  And over.  And over.

    Like these:

    Sure they look a little tacky.  I am not sure what stained the white box, maybe tea, coffee, wax, chocolate....who really knows.  And there are lots of tape spots.  Lots.

    Macy's bought Field's in 2006, so these boxes are older than today's eighth graders.  They are great boxes.  Someday, they may even be worth money!   I have several more, including a long narrow one for ties, socks or gloves.  I guess I should gather them all together for a photo shoot.

    But I think I'll have to do that after Christmas.....after J opens one of them.

Peace and Love

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