Friday, December 10, 2021

rainy days

 We finally got the rain that was promised

    It's actually a pretty crappy day.

    Cold, dark, dreary....and at one point I could not tell if it was raining or snowing.

    That inability to tell the difference reminded me of two old frineds who went to Russia on vacation.

    They had been married 45 years but lately it was hard to find anything to agree about, including the weather.

    They had hired a local Russian man in Moscow to guide them around the city.

    Rudy was a  big, burly, boisterous, but a really nice, intelligent man.  He was also a big believer in the Communist system and pointed out its advantages whenever he could.

    He led Paula and Mike through the city, explaining about the onion domes, the political upheavals, the revolution.  He was the consumate guide.

    On the next to last day they were in Moscow, they had planned to visit some historic sites just outside the city limits.  As they were getting dressed, Mike told Paula that is was starting to snow.  She told him it was raining, so he should wear a raincoat.

    "Nope, it's snow.  Look!" Mike said.

    Paula looked and said, "No you old fool, it's rain.  Grab your raincoat."

    The argued bck and forth for 10 or 15 minutes until Paula finally said, "Rudy is waiting downstairs.  Let's go ask him."

    So they went down and asked Rudy, who had just come in from the weather.

    "Rain or snow?" asked Paula.

    Without hesitation, Rudy answered "Rain."

    Mike sputtered and stammared then asked, "Are you positive?"

    Paula spun around and said, "Rudolph the Red Knows Rain, dear!"

    That ended the argument and led to a famous song....but you know the rest of the story.

Peace and Love

PS....sorry for the groans

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