Saturday, December 4, 2021

double darn

 Sometimes I just get so flustered

    Today, for instance.  

    Went to print  my annual dreaded Christmas letter and  could not figure out how to get it printed correctly.

    After several trials, I finally printed it correctly.  It wasn't easy.  First one side printed upside down.  Then the black cartridge ran out of ink.  Then the yellow did.  Magenta was next and at that point I just went ahead and replaced the blue.  

    Then I went to do address labels.  I normally go to contacts, then print, then select the number of the label and they get printed.  Normally, that is.  Today I went to contacts and..... I have no contacts.  None.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nil.  How did that happen?

    I had four or five different lists in my I have none.  Huh.

    Went to see the VCCT radio play A Christmas Carol tonight and it was well done.  Of course, I always imagine me as one of the performers,  but I opted to sit this one out.  I love the story.  In fact, I am doing my annual reading right now and just ready to start the Spiirt of Christmas Present.  That's my favorite spirit.

    When I pulled into the driveway my headlights caught a deer in the field east of us.  I put on the brights and there were 8 or 9 of the critters, some just laying in the grass.  Jackie and I watched them for a few minutes and they did not seem frightened.

    I guess that explains Corki every night.  She stands out on the sidewalk and stares at the field every night.  I guess the little deers are there a lot!

    All in all, today was a pretty good day.  Now I just hope to finish up all the little projects tomorrow.  Being a little ADD means I have four things nearly done, but I have lost interest in them.

    Such is life.

Peace and Love

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