Wednesday, December 22, 2021

say what?

 Sometimes people say strange things

    It's not only me either.

    Today I had a heart doctor check up.  The nurse was taking my history and asked if I had any surgeries since the last visit.

    I told her I had my prostate removed.

    She looked at ther computer and asked if I had the left side, right side or complete removal.  I told her it was complete.

    She paused for a minute and asked, (Seriously, this is not made up!) "Can people live without a prostate?"

    I did not know what to say, so I said, "Hello!!  I am here and I don't have a prostate!"

    Yesterday I ordered 8 pieces of chicken and a pound of cole slaw at a local fast food place.  The young man asked, "Is this for here or to go?"  I was the only one in the place!  Did he seriously expect me to eat all that by myself?

    I ordered a coffee on line at Starbucks in Rockford.  I went in and it wasn't ready.  I looked at my phone and could not tell if I ordered or  not.  So I asked the girl behind the counter.  She told me I had  not completed the order.  So I hit complete, complete again , and it was ordered,

    I told her thank you and said sometimes the techology is harder for us older folks.

    "Don't worry.  My dad is a lot younger than you and he won't even try to order on line," she replied.

    A lot?  What the hell, does the think I am 70 or something?  Oh, wait.

    I also took some used printer cartridges in to one of the big box stores for recycling.  I had 4 of them in my arms and asked the clerk if they recycled these.  She said yes.

    After a pause, she said, "Do you want to recycle those?"

    I wanted to say, no, I am just carrying them around and surveying stores.  I will just take them back out to the car and drive around with them.

    But I said yes, and she took them.

    In a way it is comforting that people say goofy things, because I am always saying goofy things.  In a sense it makes me feel better.

    And the heart doc said I was fine and he would not be seeing me anymore since he is retiring, sort of.  We always talk about biking when I visit.  I told him I was not good this summer at riding, he said he wasn't either....too hot, too busy, Covid.

    I told him I just had over 70 miles and was really bummed.  He said he was too, he only had 3,000 miles this year.  Most of his fellow riders had 5,000.

    At least if I double my amount next year I will have much satisfaction......while it will be hard for him to double his!

    Peace and Love

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