Monday, December 20, 2021

life's irritations

 It's the little things that irritate me

    Like Corki going after Jackie's cookies as the phone is ringing and things are flying and Corki is snuffling and Jackie is yelling and the phone is ringing and the Bears are on and the cookies are on the floor and Corki is going after the cookies and I am trying to hold Corki and pick up the cookies and turn down the tv while Jackie answers the phone.

    Just another day.

    I did do a little straightening up in the basement today.  Julia came in to see if she could help and just started laughing at the paper towels and toilet paper stacked up.  The 5 giant Tides escaped her notice, I think.  

    Another Corki trick....she lays on the couch with her butt facing me and emits the most foul farts you can imagine.  Only when her butt is facing me.  Sign of love?

    But the basement does look a little better in two areas.  I will be down there tomorrow again for a little while trying to get some order in the chaos.

    Seriously, sometimes I just sit there and cry because of the disorganization in my life.  I can't find things and spend hours looking for items not put away.  Lord knows where my purple scissors that actually cuts went.  I have 5 tell me why I could not find any the other day!  None! After I gave up looking I did find one, but where the others are is anybody's guess.

    And the things I save that I will never, ever use.  Yet I can't get rid of them.  It really is frustrating.

    I have decided that next spring I am going to sell all yard tools and other tools I don't use, including boxes of nails and screws, and anything else that I can find that does not fit in my life.

    Chances are, next year at this time I will be saying the same  thing.

    Back to the Bears.....only 10-3 at the half, which surprises me!

Peace and Love

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